CC_Exclusions (ver12.1.1)
Table contains CC.DCIDs and date ranges to be used to exclude records from attendance potential/present calculations in the P?_Membership_Defaults stored procedures. It is the responsibility of the data provider populating this table to prevent date ranges for a given CC record from overlapping.
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
CC_ExclusionsID | 12.1.1 | Number(19) | Primary key. Unique sequential number generated by the application. Required. Indexed. |
CCDCID | 12.1.1 | Number(10) | Foreign key. DCID of the associated CC record. Required. Indexed. |
EndDate | 12.1.1 | Date | Last date of the range to be excluded. Required. |
StartDate | 12.1.1 | Date | First date of the range to be excluded. Required. |