AutoComm, 47 (ver3.6.1)
This table tracks AutoComm/AutoSend profiles. AutoComm is used for importing or exporting data files such as student and section info into or from PowerSchool or Legacy system on a scheduled basis.
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
Charset | 4.2.1 | Varchar(20) | Supported character sets. |
Date1 | 3.6.1 | Date | Used with auto send attendance between two dates. This is the start date. |
Date2 | 3.6.1 | Date | Used with auto send attendance between two dates. This is the end date. |
Days | 3.6.1 | Varchar(20) | The day of the week AutoComm automatically goes off. |
DCID | 4.0.0 | Number(10,0) | Unique identifier for this table. Indexed. Required. |
Disabled | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Flag to indicate you want the AutoComm process not run regardless of the schedule. |
FTPAcctName | 3.6.1 | Varchar(20) | The users name to access the FTP site. |
FTPFlag | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Flag saying if FTP is to be used. |
FTPHost | 3.6.1 | Varchar(60) | The address of the FTP server. |
FTPPassword | 3.6.1 | Varchar(20) | The password for the FTP account. |
FieldDeli m | 3.6.1 | Varchar(20) | The field delimiter in the file coming back. |
Fields | 3.6.1 | CLOB | The fields being imported. |
FileNum | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Indicates the type of file for either import(autocomm) or export(autosend). <0: custom autosend, >0: download-autocomm, -100:attendance data, >-100 and 1 or -1: data from Student table, 2 or -2: from Courses for current school, 3 or -3: Sections for current year, 4 or -4: from CC for current year in current school, 5 or -5: teachers. |
Hour | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | The time when AutoComm automatically goes off. |
ID | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Sequential number generated by the application, but uniqueness in the table is not guaranteed. Indexed. |
ImportExport | 3.6.1 | Varchar(20) | No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
Minutes | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | The minutes past the hour the AutoComm runs. |
Name | 3.6.1 | Varchar(60) | The name of the AutoComm operation. |
PassiveMode | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Flag to indicate the usage of passive FTP mode. |
Path | 3.6.1 | CLOB | The path to the files on the remote system. |
RecDelim | 3.6.1 | Varchar(20) | The separator between records. |
ReportEm ail | 3.6.1 | CLOB | The email address of the person to notify when the AutoComm process runs. |
SchoolID | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | The School_Number of the associated Schools record. |
Search | 3.6.1 | CLOB | No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
SortOrder | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | The order the AutoComm items show on lists. |
StudentEnrollStatus | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Flag to allow blanks to be written. |
Surround | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Surround text with quotes. |
SynchMode | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | This is used to delete info, such as student, not in the file (default). Otherwise, it will just update or insert (1 IUD, 0 IU). Files other than Teacher and Courses need to be in Synch mode (1). |
Timeout | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Seconds before a failed connection should time out. |
TransferMeth | 3.6.1 | Varchar(20) | No longer used by the application. This field may still be referenced on reports and/or custom pages. |
UpdateRecsMode | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Flag to indicate update duplicate records. |
UseNumberOfRecs | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Flag to indicate you want to use the first line of the file containing the number of records as a check. |
UseUploadType | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Used with auto send attendance so blanks can be sent as an attendance character. |
WhichAtt | 3.6.1 | Number(10,0) | Used with auto send attendance to indicate if you are sending all the attendance. `0=last 24 hrs; -1=send all; -2=since last upload; -3=date range. |