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AssetInv (ver21.4.0)

This table stores the inventory details for the asset type defined in the asset table. A foreign key for assetId (mapped to the id of the asset table) is in place for data integrity.

Column Name

Initial Version

Data Type


AssetId21.4.0NUMBER(19,0)The primary key of Asset table. FK has been created which maps to ASSET.ID. Required. Indexed.
AssetTag21.4.0VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)Unique tag assigned to the inventory item (Displayed on UI as Inventory Tag). Required. Indexed.
CheckinDate21.4.0DATELatest check-in date of the inventory item. This column gets updated via AssetInvOwner table APIs (Checkout and Checkin) and is in sync with the CheckinDate field of the latter table. This is done to avoid join with the AssetInvOwner table to get the latest ownership record.
CheckoutDate21.4.0DATELatest check-out date of the inventory item. This column gets updated via AssetInvOwner table APIs (Checkout and Checkin) and is in sync with the CheckoutDate field of the latter table. This is done to avoid join with the AssetInvOwner table to get the latest ownership record. A not-null checkout date indicates the item is checked out.
Condition21.4.0NUMBER(19,0)CodesetId for the condition of the inventory item such as 'New', 'Lightly Used' etc. Required.
Disposition21.4.0NUMBER(19,0)CodesetId for the disposition of the inventory item such as 'In Service', 'Being Repaired' etc. Required.
ExtrasNote21.4.0VARCHAR2(200 CHAR)Contains content of ExtrasNote copied from the corresponding asset type of the item. Optional. Only applicable for an inventory of type equipment.
HasExtras21.4.0NUMBER(1,0)Contains value of HasExtras field from the corresponding asset type of the item. Required. Only applicable for an inventory of type equipment. Valid values: 1-Includes extras, 0-no extras. Default 0.
Id21.4.0NUMBER(19,0)The unique sequential number generated by the application. Indexed. Required.
Note21.4.0VARCHAR2(400 CHAR)Notes for the inventory item. Optional.
PrimaryLoc21.4.0VARCHAR2(40 CHAR)The primary location of the inventory item. Example - Room 1 in the library. Indexed. Optional.
SchoolDcid21.4.0NUMBER(19,0)DCID of the school where the item is first entered to the system/ checked out/checked in. Defaults to the school/ District in context. For District Office 0 is stored. Read-only field on the UI. Indexed.
SecondaryLoc21.4.0VARCHAR2(40 CHAR)The secondary location of the inventory item. Example - Shelf 1. Optional.
ServiceDate21.4.0DATEIn-Service date of the inventory item. Optional.
StudentsDcid21.4.0NUMBER(19,0)STUDENTS.DCID for the latest student owner of the inventory item. This column gets updated via AssetInvOwner table APIs (Checkout and Checkin) and is in sync with the StudentsDcid field of the latter table. This is done to avoid join with the AssetInvOwner table to get the latest ownership record. A not-null StudentsDcid indicates the item is checked out. Indexed.
WhenCreated21.4.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhenModified21.4.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhoCreated21.4.0VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)The name of the person who created the record. Defaults to user. Required.
WhoModifed21.4.0VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)The name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to the user. Required.
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