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Asset (ver21.4.0)

This table stores the asset type (Book, eBook, Equipment) definition.

Column NameInitial VersionData TypeDescription
AccessCode21.4.0VARCHAR2(40 CHAR)ebook Access code. Optional. Not applicable for book and equipment.
AssetDate21.4.0DATEStores copyright date for Book and eBook or Purchase date for equipment. Required.
AssetType21.4.0NUMBER(19,0)CodesetId for asset types such as Book, eBook, or Equipment. Required. Indexed.
Author21.4.0VARCHAR2(305 CHAR)Author of the book or eBook. Optional
Code21.4.0VARCHAR2(40 CHAR)Code used by the district for the asset. Optional.
DateAdopted21.4.0DATEIntroduced Date for the asset. Optional.
DateDiscontinued21.4.0DATEDiscontinued Date for the asset. Optional.
Description21.4.0VARCHAR2(255 CHAR)Description of the asset. Optional.
Edition21.4.0VARCHAR2(15 CHAR)Edition of book or eBook. Required for Book and eBook.
ExtrasNote21.4.0VARCHAR2(200 CHAR)Note for extras. Required if HasExtras is checked. Applicable only for equipment.
FeeAmount21.4.0NUMBER(19,3)Student fee charged for use of the asset. Optional. Default 0.
Format21.4.0NUMBER(19,0)CodesetId for the formats such as TextBook, AudioBook, etc for Book type and TXT, EPUB, PDF, etc for eBook. Not applicable for Equipment. Optional.
HasExtras21.4.0NUMBER(1,0)Indicates whether the equipment has any extras associated with it such as charger, mouse for laptop. Checkbox type, applicable only for equipment. Required. Valid values: 1=includes extras, 0=no extras. Default 0.
Id21.4.0NUMBER(19,0)The unique sequential number generated by the application. Indexed. Required.
IsActive21.4.0NUMBER(1,0)Checkbox to indicate if the asset is active. Valid values: 1=Active (checked), 0=Inactive (unchecked). Default 1 (checked).
Isbn21.4.0VARCHAR2(25 CHAR)ISBN number for Book and eBook. Required for Book and eBook. Not applicable for Equipment. Indexed (Upper(ISBN)).
IsConsumable21.4.0NUMBER(1,0)Indicates if the asset is consumable or not. For example, workbooks can be consumable and never be returned. Not applicable for equipment. Valid values: 1=Consumable, 0=Expected to be returned. Default 0.
Manufacturer21.4.0VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)Manufacturer of the equipment. Not applicable for Book and eBook. Required for Equipment.
ModelNum21.4.0VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)The model number of the equipment. Not applicable for Book and eBook. Optional. Indexed (function based composite index. Upper(PartNum, ModelNum, Revision))
Name21.4.0VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)Name of the asset. Required.
NcesCode21.4.0VARCHAR2(40 CHAR)NCES code for the Book. Optional.
Note21.4.0VARCHAR2(500 CHAR)Notes for the asset. Optional.
PartNum21.4.0VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)The part number of the equipment. Not applicable for Book and eBook. Required for Equipment. Indexed (function based composite index. Upper(PartNum, ModelNum, Revision))
Publisher21.4.0VARCHAR2(100 CHAR)Publisher of Book or eBook. Not applicable for equipment. Required for Book and eBook. Indexed.
PurchaseCost21.4.0NUMBER(19,3)Purchase cost for Book or eBook. Not available for equipment. Optional.
Revision21.4.0VARCHAR2(50 CHAR)The revision number of equipment. Not applicable for Book and eBook. Optional. Indexed (function based composite index. Upper(PartNum, ModelNum, Revision))
SifCode21.4.0VARCHAR2(40 CHAR)SIF code for the asset. Optional.
StateCode21.4.0VARCHAR2(40 CHAR)State code for asset. Optional.
Upc21.4.0VARCHAR2(20 CHAR)UPC code. Optional.
Url21.4.0VARCHAR2(1024 CHAR)URL tp access the ebook. Optional. Not applicable for book and equipment.
WhenCreated21.4.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhenModified21.4.0TIMESTAMP(6)The date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhoCreated21.4.0VARCHAR2(305 CHAR)The name of the person who created the record. Defaults to user. Required.
WhoModifed21.4.0VARCHAR2(305 CHAR)The name of the person who modified the record. Defaults to the user. Required.
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