Run Process
Once you have set up repeated course grade suppression, you can either run the process from the Permanently Store Grades or Repeated Course Grade Suppression page.
Run Repeated Course Grade Suppression Process Using the Permanently Store Grades Page
Using the Permanently Store Grades page, you can select Apply Repeated Course Grade Suppression Policy Rules. If selected, stored grades related to grade scales that allow repeated course grade suppression will be evaluated by the repeated course grade suppression rules during the permanently store grades process. Refer to Permanently Store Grades for additional information on this process.
Run Repeated Course Grade Suppression Process Using the Repeated Course Grade Suppression Page
Using the Repeated Course Grade Suppression page, you can manually run the Repeated Course Grade Suppression process at the school level.
This procedure may only be performed at the school level.
Navigate to the Repeated Course Grade Suppression page.
Select Evaluate grades for the currently selected (0) students only to filter historical grade records based on the current student selection. If you do not currently have a student selection, this option will be inactive.
Enter a Term Range to filter historical grade records.
Enter a comma-delimited list of store codes to filter historical grade records based on store codes.
Enter a Stored Date range to filter historical grade records based on stored date.
Enter a comma-delimited list of course numbers to filter historical grade records based on course numbers.
Enter a comma-delimited list of credit types to filter historical grade records based on credit types.
Click Update Selection.
Click Run Repeated Course Grade Suppression Process. This option will not appear if no historical grade records are selected or if the current selection may result in over 24,000 changes to historical grade records.
Repeated Course Grade Suppression Rules
PowerSchool supports the following repeated course grade suppression rules:
When running the repeated course grade suppression process, it looks to see if the grade is related to a grade scale that has the repeated course grade suppression policy enabled. If so, then the broader StoredGrades table is searched for grades for the same student and course or course equivalency.
Only grades that have potential or earned credit will be evaluated.
GPA points are used to determine which grades are better than others and can therefore replace other grades.
As grades are evaluated, they are processed in groups based on having the same StudentID and Course_Number. They are processed in the order of oldest to newest (based on yearID, and ending Term Bin date). As they are processed, earned credits are tallied to help determine if when some grades can be replaced and when the student is over the maximum credit for the course.
If store codes are specified in the policy, then only grades with those store codes will be evaluated.
Grades with a GPA point <= than the low threshold can always be replaced by a grade with a higher GPA point value.
Grades with a GPA point above the low threshold and <= the high threshold are only replaced by a better grade if the grades processed so far have a sum of earned credits equal to or greater than the maximum credit for the course.
Grades cannot replace other grades with the same TermID unless specified in the policy to ignore this restriction.
Once the sum of the earned credits is equal to or greater than the maximum credit for the course, and if that grade cannot be replaced, then that grade will be excluded from graduation and it will set the historical grade repeated course grade suppression value to M signifying it was suppressed because the student was over the maximum credits for the course. Based on the policy, these grades may also be excluded from GPA, class rank, honor roll, or transcripts.
When a grade replaces another grade, then the replaced grade will be excluded from graduation. Based on the policy, the replaced grade may also be excluded from GPA, class rank, honor roll, or transcripts. It will also have a repeated course grade suppression value of R indicating that it was replaced by another grade. Then a correlation is made as to which grade replaced it. This is based on the hidden DCID value of the replacing grade that gets populated in the replaced grades Replacing_DCID field.
Older grades can replace newer grades and newer grades can replace older grades.
If the process is run multiple times and data or settings change, grades that were previously flagged as repeated or over maximum credit will have these values removed and will no longer being excluded from graduation. Additionally, the settings to be excluded from class rank, honor roll, and GPA will revert back to how the permanently store grades process sets these values without the effects of the repeated course grade suppression rules.
The repeated course grade suppression logic will always try to replace grades that will give the student the best GPA result. However, when grades are at maximum, the latter grades are suppressed even if they are better than previous grades that have a GPA point value too high to be replaced.
A grade cannot replace two grades. It is always a one to one relationship. However, a grade can replace another grade that has already replaced something else.
For more information on the precise calculation logic, refer to Knowledgebase article 70584.