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PowerSchool SIS

PowerSchool SIS version is available as of 7/23/2020:


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PowerSchool Admin - Attendance Tracks to Support Blended Learning (COVID-19)

Students can now be grouped based on whether they are attending school in-person, remotely, or in a hybrid model. Teachers and admins can easily toggle between methods if the situation changes. Additionally, teachers and admins can mass fill attendance codes by track in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal or within a teacher's schedule on the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal.

To set up:

  • Assign tracks to your students. The Track field (Students.Track) is located on the student's current enrollment under Transfer Information and on the Modify Information page.
  • Teachers and Admins can turn on the Group by Track option on the single-day attendance page in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal and under teacher schedules in the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal. The setting is stored per user.
  • If there are schools where the track option might not be appropriate, the option to group by track can be disabled under School Setup > Attendance Preferences > Disable Group by Track for Teacher Attendance.

Because the group by track option does not require on track and off track days to be set up in the school calendar, this option will allow your schools to easily change course throughout the year as the COVID-19 situation evolves. Additionally, the track option does not affect attendance calculations, so attendance reports remain unchanged.

Learn more about setting up blended learning and taking attendance in the July 17, 2020 PowerSchool Insider!

Attendance Preferences

Record Meeting Attendance by Section

Record Meeting Attendance by Section in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher Portal

PowerTeacher Pro - Email

Teachers can now send plain-text emails to students and contacts directly from the Create option in PowerTeacher Pro.

An option to Copy Emails will copy all selected email addresses (separated by a semicolon and space) to the clipboard, allowing an email that requires rich text or attachments to be quickly drafted using another email service.

Email Students and Contacts
PowerSchool Admin - Enhanced Health Functionality for Data Import Manager and Data Export ManagerAdditional PowerSchool Data Sets have been added for the new functionality in Enhanced Health to Data Import Manager:
  • Health - Concerns
  • Health - Contact Log
  • Health - Medications
  • Health - Medication Doses
  • Health - Medication Inventory
  • Health - Misc
  • Health - PE Waiver
  • Health - Student Health

In addition, the following PowerSchool Data Sets have been added for the new functionality in Enhanced Health to Data Export Manager:

  • Health - Office Visits
  • Health - Physical
(20.11) Work with Health Data
PowerSchool Admin - Change History

The Before and After Comment fields on Change History for Health Concerns (Student > Health > Health Concerns > Change History) and Health Other (Student > Health > Other > Change History) now appear as a View link. Additionally, when viewing all change history records via System > Change History, the page now includes Student and School columns for each record.

(20.11) Change History

PowerSchool In-App Help Versions

The PowerSchool SIS Admin portal and the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal in-app help includes versioning of content for each major PowerSchool SIS release, such as 19.0. and 20.4. With this release, now when accessing the in-app help, help specific to the version of PowerSchool SIS your are running appears automatically. Using the Version picker in the navigation menu, you can select different versions of the in-app help to view.

(20.11) Administrator Help

Resolved Issues

PowerSchool Admin -AttendanceIn some cases, an "Internal Server Error" occurs when attempting to access a Student Attendance page.  This issue is now resolved.PSF-22081
PowerSchool Admin - AttendanceWhen signed in to the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal using a locale with a date format other than MM/DD/YYYY, an error may occur when using the Single Day Attendance (chair) icon on the Teachers Schedule page. This issue is now resolved.PSF-15728
PowerSchool Admin - AttendanceIn some rare cases, the Attendance Grid page fail to load and impact server performance. This issue is resolved.PSF-14387
PowerSchool Admin - Attendance Summary by Grade ReportWhen running the Attendance Summary by Grade report, the inclusion of Special Programs resulted in negative or zero values in the report. This issue is now resolved.PSF-17312
PowerSchool Admin - ContactsIn some cases, when an administrator associates an existing contact with an existing student where there was no prior association, the StudentContactAssoc.CurRelTypeCodeSetID does not match StudentContactDetail.RelationshipTypeCodeset. This issue has been resolved.PSF-25166
PowerSchool Admin - ContactsIn some cases, when consolidating contacts, the Mother and Father fields in the Student table are not properly updated. This issue has been resolved.PSF-20923
PowerSchool Admin - ContactsWhen using the Data Import Manager to import student contacts to clear the OriginalContactType field, the import fails with the following message appearing for each record: Original contact type assigned to multiple contacts for the same student. This issue is now resolved.PSF-29260
PowerSchool Admin - Custom FieldsWhen a custom field is created with an incorrect data type, then deleted, and then re-created with a different data type, search functionality on the start page for that field no longer works. This issue is now resolved.PSF-19783
PowerSchool Admin - DDE/DDA

When viewing List Records and Table View in DDE/DDA, only the first 10k records would display. This issue is now resolved. The record limit is now set at 50k. The links have also been changed to buttons.

PowerSchool Admin - Export Historical Grades

When using the Export Historical Grades function, the first student's record appears on every line of the export file. This issue is now resolved.

PowerSchool Admin - FeesIn some cases, the Fee Name, Category, and Departments may be intermittently missing when creating a new fee. This issue is now resolved.PSF-15606
PowerSchool Admin - IncidentsWhen creating an incident, the Parent Contact How Comment field does not appear when the Action Attribute of Parent Contact How is selected. This issue is now resolved.PSF-28843
PowerSchool Admin - New Experience

As part of this release various New Experience issues have been resolved:

  • When changing pages while searching from the start page users are not brought back to the top of the list.
  • When selecting a Students Search Code from the field list the search is not populated.
  • When clearing a search item an error occurs on the server.
PowerSchool - Performance

In some cases, after upgrading to Oracle 12.2, some queries, such as those against STANDARDS, may take longer to execute compared to Oracle 12.1. This issue is now resolved.

Note: After the successful upgrade and launch of PowerSchool 20.4.3+ a full restart including the Database may be needed for the settings to take full effect.

PowerSchool Admin - PerformanceIn some cases, installing a plugin with web assets may take an exceptionally long time. This issue is now resolved.PSF-19568
PowerSchool - PerformanceIn some cases, the PowerSchool SIS logs may consume a significant amount of space if the Table_Info Report Engine tag references the StandardsGrades view. This view has not been available to this tag since PowerSchool SIS version 9.0 when the StoredGrades table became a view. The tag will no longer honor this view. This issue has been resolved.PSF-28743
PowerSchool Admin - Report Engine Reports

A "java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow" error may occur when running a Report Engine report with a destination of FTP. This issue is now resolved.

Note: FTP transmissions are not secure and should be avoided. A future release may add SFTP support and deprecate FTP support in Report Engine due the inherent insecurity of FTP.

PowerSchool Admin - Requests by Course ReportIn the Requests by Course report, courses with the same name and different course numbers were grouped incorrectly. This issue is now resolved.PSF-15633
PowerSchool Admin - Summer Withdrawal

An error may occur when performing a summer withdrawal after the school year has started. This issue is now resolved.

Note: Only applicable to Arizona users.

PowerTeacher Pro - PerformanceIn some instances, PowerTeacher Pro can take a longer than expected time to load. This issue is now resolved.PSF-22537
PowerTeacher Pro - SectionsIn some instances, when the District default gradebook type for sections is PTP and a section is created in the previous year, the section may be created with a different gradebook other than the default. This issue is resolved.PSF-28992
PowerSchool Admin - User Settings

After submitting changes in User Settings for the initial student screen, returning to the User Settings page shows the settings have reverted to the default of Quick Lookup. This issue is resolved.

PowerTeacher Pro - Grade Scales

Administrators are able to see Class Grade Scales when selecting grade scales on the Final Grade Exclusions page. This issue is resolved.

PowerTeacher Pro - Grade Scales

Teachers are able to save a grade scale that does not have a 0 cutoff. When this happens, PowerTeacher Pro will through intermittent errors while attempting to save grades, causing teachers to be unable to save grades. This issue is resolved.



PowerTeacher Gradebook/ReportWorksIn some cases launching PowerTeacher Gradebook and/or ReportWorks may result in a Java Security warning. This issue is resolved.PSF-30680
PowerSchool - StartupIn some cases after upgrading to PowerSchool SIS 20.4.2 the application may not start due to a lack of internet connectivity. This issue is resolved.PSF-31148

Known Issues


PowerSchool Admin - Parent Portal Web Accounts Integration with Student Contacts

When attempting to update an existing Parent Access Account via import that has the required username and email address fields already created, that parent’s rows will fail to import if it has the account username but not the account email address or vice versa.

Workaround: Do one of the following:

    • Include both username and email address when updating an existing parent access account via import.
    • Include neither username and email address when updating an existing parent access account via import.


PowerSchool Admin - Parent Portal Web Accounts Integration with Student Contacts

When exporting data, if the contact does not have an access account, the Allow Data Access field is populated with the value FALSE, which indicates that data access is disabled. Instead, this exported value should be Null to indicate that it was not set.

Workaround: Do one of the following:

    • Do not import the Allow Data Access field for contacts without a web access account.
    • On import file, set the Allow Data Access field to null.


PowerSchool Admin - System ReportsPowerSchool has identified an issue where the names of the new reports sometimes display incorrectly. We are looking into this issue, and a fix will be included in an upcoming release.--

PowerSchool Components

PowerSchool SIS is comprised of several software components, each versioned independently from one another. This allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being configured incorrectly. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:

ComponentVersion Number

PowerSchool SIS Server

PowerTeacher Gradebook






State Reporting

Report SDK




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