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PowerSchool SIS

PowerSchool SIS version is available as of 6/1/2020:

Resolved Issues

PowerSchool Admin - Code Set

When adding new codes to a code set, the Start Date and End Date are saved as a day prior in the database. This issue is now resolved. Correction of existing dates is not covered with this fix. To correct, update the code set.


PowerSchool Admin - Console Errors

After creating a new section, the user may be unable to sign out of the PowerSchool admin portal due to console errors. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Contact Search

Attempting to perform a search of Contacts using a phone number may result in no records found if hyphens ('-') are included in the phone number. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - DOE-RT ReportIn some instances when running the DOE-RT report, default values are not saved when entered by the user. This issue is now resolved.PSF-26691
PowerSchool Admin - Enroll Student in Remote/Summer School Class SchoolIn some cases, the Enroll Student in Remote/Summer School Class School drop-down menu does not list all schools. This issue is now resolved.PSF-28088
PowerSchool Admin - Exclude On Report Cards/Transcripts and Use the Course for LunchIn some cases the Exclude On Report Cards/Transcripts and Use the Course for Lunch checkboxes cannot be toggled (selected/deselected). This issue has been resolved.PSF-28579

PowerSchool Admin - Health Plans

When attempting to create a Health Plan for a student in Grade 0 using a template with smart tags, errors may occur which will prevent further interaction with the page. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Import Contacts

When attempting to mass import contacts using the Data Import Manager, errors may occur when rows in the import file add or update an email with an email type that is assigned to an existing email address for that contact. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Incident ManagementWhen editing an incident to assign a participant attribute to an offender who does not have any participant attributes, that offender becomes a reporter and their assigned behaviors and actions are removed. This issue is now resolved.PSF-19572

Powerschool Admin - Incident Action Attendance

In the quick incident wizard, after entering attendance for an action code with properly mapped attendance codes, if the user changes the action code to one that does not have any attendance codes mapped and submits the incident, the attendance for the first code is saved. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Incident Management

When editing a Subcode in Incident Management, the checkbox This Action Affects Attendance is shown. This field is deprecated and has no functional impact, whether it is checked or unchecked. Instead, the Action/Attendance code mappings now determine whether an action affects attendance. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Last Session Information

When the New Experience is enabled, hovering over the User Menu in the header does not display the name of the person signed in, or their last session information. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Medication

Values for Name, Time, Medication, Dosage, Route, Frequency, and Primary Reason for Giving appear truncated. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Screenings

When editing or deleting more than one screening record for a student, a psj-runtime error occurs upon submitting. This issue is now resolved.


PowerSchool Admin - Start PageAfter 24 days of uptime on PowerSchool 20.4.0, errors may occur when accessing the start page. This issue is now resolved.PSF-28538
PowerSchool Admin - State Reporting Custom Fields In some cases, State Reporting custom fields may not copy over to the Students record as part of the Enroll New Student function. This issue is now resolved.PSF-28106
PowerSchool Admin - Teacher InformationWhen editing the Teacher's information, a unique check is not performed on the teachernumber field to avoid duplicates. This issue is now resolved.PSF-25676
PowerSchool Gradebook - Editing ErrorIn some cases, an error occurs in PowerTeacher Gradebook (PTG) when attempting to make edits when PSGUID's are enabled. This issue is now resolved.PSF-28131
PowerSchool Gradebook - PerformanceIn some cases, performance and stability issues can occur when one or more Standards have a large number of courses assigned. This issue is now resolved.PSF-25343

Known Issues

PowerSchool Admin - Sign In Error

When signing into the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal as a Guardian when the PowerSchool SIS is configured as the Service Provider for Guardian access and SAML/WS-Trust is the Identity Provider, an error occurs.


PowerSchool Components

PowerSchool SIS is comprised of several software components, each versioned independently from one another. This allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being configured incorrectly. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:

ComponentVersion Number

PowerSchool SIS Server

PowerTeacher Gradebook






State Reporting

Report SDK




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