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Student Details


This student page provides street and mailing addresses. The information here links to Demographics. If you make a change here, it appears on those pages, and vice versa.

Edit Student Addresses

  1. Navigate to the Addresses page.
  2. Enter the Home address information.
  3. Enter the Mailing address information. If the Mailing Address is the same as the Home Address, click Copy from Home Address.
  4. Click Validate next to the address to perform address validation. For detailed information about performing address validation, refer to the Perform Interactive Address Validation section of the Address Management page.
  5. Click Submit.

Custom Screens

Custom screens are designed by a school's PowerSchool administrator to display a variety of information about students. There is no limit to the number of custom screens that a school can set up to track any kind of information. Thus, the pages are school-specific and look different than in the examples.

When you select a student and click Custom Screens, a list of custom screens at your school appears. Find out if there is a custom screen for your school. For more information about creating custom screens, refer to Custom Student Fields and Screens Setup.

View Custom Screens

  1. Navigate to the Custom Student Screens page.
  2. Click the links to the pages, if available.


The Demographics page provides standard information about the selected student. Fields on the Demographics page can be edited by those with proper access. Any changes you make to the address fields on the Demographics page are also made to the Address page.

When entering students' birthdates, keep in mind that birthday alerts will appear on each student's page for one week prior to each student's birthday. For more information, refer to Display Birthday Alerts.

Modify Student Demographics

Your PowerSchool administrator can modify this page to meet your school's needs. Since pages may vary between schools, discuss with your system administrator the purpose of the fields on your school's General Demographics page.

Field-level security may be used to restrict phone information. If PHONENUMBER.PHONENUMBERASENTERED or PHONENUMBER.PHONENUMBEREXT is set to view only or no access, then all phone numbers on this page will have that restriction. For more information, refer to Field Level Security.

  1. Navigate to the Demographics page.
  2. Edit the information as needed.
  3. Click Submit.

On the Students with Shared Family Information page, select Update to change the linked student's demographic information to match the modified demographic information of the selected student. For example, if you change the selected student's street address from 12 Maple Way to 1 Apple Drive and the linked student also lives at 12 Maple Way, select Update to change the linked student's address to 1 Apple Drive.

To link students belonging to the same family, refer to the Link and Copy Information for Related Students section.

Display Birthday Alerts

If a student's birthday is within a week of the current date, a birthday alert appears for him or her on each student page. You can click the Birthday Alert icon to read the alert from any page.

View Change History Details for Demographics Page

If Change History is enabled, the Change History link appears at the top of the page. Click the link to view the Change History Details for that page.

Emergency Contact/Medical

This function provides emergency contact names and numbers, as well as any medical information.

Field-level security may be used to restrict phone information. If PHONENUMBER.PHONENUMBERASENTERED or PHONENUMBER.PHONENUMBEREXT is set to view only or no access, then all phone numbers on this page will have that restriction. For more information, refer to Field Level Security.

Edit Student Emergency Contact/Medical Information

  1. Navigate to the Emergency and Medical Contacts page.
  2. Edit the information as needed.
  3. Enter Medical Alert Text for any medical information that needs to be brought to staff members' attention.

  4. Enter the expiration date of the Medical alert if needed.
  5. Click Submit.


The Family function provides the names, grades, and schools of students who are related to the selected student. Use this page to link and copy information between related students or to unrelate students who are incorrectly identified as members of the same family.

Link and Copy Information for Related Students

Relate students who have similar demographic information and copy that information to the selected student.

  1. Navigate to the Associated Family Members page.
  2. Click Search for Additional Family Members.
  3. Enter the information as needed.
  4. Select Include Student's Last Name in Search to include the last name of the current student in the family match search. All students who share the same last name will be included in the search results.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Click Copy for the student from which you want to copy demographic information.
  7. Select the Related checkbox for any students related to the selected student.
  8. Click Submit.

    Some contacts may have data that cannot be viewed on the student Parents, Emergency Contact/Medical, or Demographics pages. Their original contact type will be removed, but these contacts will remain associated with the student. If necessary, the contact can be permanently removed from the student Contacts page. For more information, refer to View Contacts Associated to a Student.

Unrelate Students

Remove the relationship between students who have been linked to the same family. For more information, refer to the Link and Copy Information for Related Students section.

  1. Navigate to the Associated Family Members page.
  2. Select the Remove from Family checkbox.
  3. Click Submit.

Modify Info

This page displays a variety of information about students, much of which is shared with the Demographics page. Note that this page is school-specific, and the fields on your school's Modify Info page can vary. Talk to your PowerSchool administrator about adding fields to or deleting fields from your school's page.

Modify Student Information

  1. Navigate to the Modify Info page.
  2. Edit the information as needed.

    The Tracker field is used for state reporting purposes.

  3. Click Add Counselor to assign a counselor to the student if needed or click edit to change the selected counselors.
    1. Search for the counselors and click Select.
    2. Indicate the primary counselor.
    3. Click Save.
  4. Click Auto-assign IDs for this student to assign lunch and phone IDs.
  5. Click Submit.

Other Information

A state-specific page that can be modified to meet your school's specifications. Many schools modify the Other Information page to meet their needs.

Edit Other Student Information

  1. Navigate to the Other Info page.
  2. Edit the information as needed.
    For information about the Fee Exemption Status menu, refer to Fee Exemption Status.
  3. Click Submit.

Add Other Alerts

Use an Other alert to make the staff members aware of any general information related to a student. For more information about other types of alerts, refer to Balance Alert and the Alerts section of the Student Menu page.

Field-level security may be used to restrict this information (STUDENTS.ALERT_OTHER and STUDENTS.ALERT_OTHEREXPIRES). For more information, refer to Field Level Security.

  1. Navigate to the Other Info page.
  2. Enter Other Alert Text for any general information that needs to be brought to staff members' attention.
  3. Enter the expiration date of the alert.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click the Other Alert icon to read the alert from any page.
  6. Click Close to close the Other Alert window.


This function provides the names, addresses, and phone numbers of parents or guardians. The information on this page is the same as on the Emergency and Modify Info pages. Any entries or changes made to the Parent page appear on these other pages and vice versa.

Edit Parent/Guardian Information

  1. Navigate to the Guardians page.
  2. Enter the information as needed.
  3. Enter Guardian Alert Text for any guardian-related information that needs to be brought to staff members' attention.
  4. Enter the expiration date for the guardian alert.
  5. Click Submit.


This function displays a picture of the selected student if one is available. In addition, a photo appears next to the student's name at the top of each student page. Click the photo to view a larger version of the photo.

To configure your system to display student photos, contact your PowerSchool administrator.

The picture files must be in.JPG format. Some school photographers provide a CD-ROM of the annual student pictures in JPG format, which your PowerSchool administrator can then import into PowerSchool. Contact your PowerSchool administrator to import many photos from another system, a CD-ROM, or other media.

Submit a Student Photo

Use this procedure to submit a new student photo, even if there is already a photo for the student.

  1. Navigate to the Photo page.
  2. Click Submit a New Photo for this Student to change or add a photo.
  3. Click Choose File.
  4. Locate and double-click the file.
  5. Click Submit.

Student Email

To provide teachers using PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook with the ability to communicate with the student via email, enter the student's email address on the Email Configuration page. Once configured, the student's email address appears on the Demographics page in PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook.

Configure Student Email

  1. Navigate to the Email page.
  2. Enter the student's email address in the Student Email Address field. Only one email address may be entered.
  3. Click Submit.


Compliance is state-specific or province-specific and can be modified to meet the needs of schools in different states and provinces. Contact your PowerSchool administrator to add or delete fields. Your permissions determine if you can edit the data in the fields.

Edit State/Province Information

  1. Navigate to the Compliance page.
  2. Edit the information as needed.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Click Back to return to the information page for your state or province.
    If a "Warning Page Expired" message appears, click the PowerSchool logo to return to the start page.


This page displays transportation-related information for the selected student. You can add, edit, or delete transportation information from the Transportation Entry student page.

Manage Transportation Information

Add transportation information for the selected student to indicate the means of transporting this student either to or from school.

  1. Navigate to the Transportation page.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter the information as needed.
  4. Click Submit.

Once you have created a Transportation entry, you can edit or delete it. To edit the entry, select it from the list, update the information, and click Submit. To delete an entry, select it from the list and click Delete.

View Change History Details for Transportation Page

If Change History is enabled, the Change History link appears at the top of the page. Click the link to view the Change History Details for that page.

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