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Mobile Apps Setup

Before your district begins using mobile apps, it is recommended that you set up the following:

  • Register your PowerSchool server with PowerSource
  • Upload a School Map (optional)

Register your PowerSchool Server with PowerSource

Registering your PowerSchool server with PowerSource enables end-users to easily configure the mobile app to work with your PowerSchool server.

Enter the information needed for registering your PowerSchool server with PowerSource.

  1. Navigate to the Mobile Registration Postal Code page.
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the PowerSource Registration of District's Mobile App Services fields:



    Mobile District Code

    Displays a four-digit code if the PowerSchool server is registered with the PowerSource mobile registration server. If the PowerSchool server has not been registered, dashes appear.

    Mobile App Server Address

    Enter the server or IP address remote web traffic will use for the mobile web services. This can be an individual IP, domain, or load-balancer address.

    Typically this is the IP address of the PowerSchool node.

    Mobile App Port Number

    Enter the port number remote web traffic will use for the mobile web services.

    Typically this is the IP address of the PowerSchool node.

    Mobile App SSL Enabled

    If your Tomcat server or Load Balancer is using SSL, select the checkbox. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank.

    This option does not enable or disable SSL, it only informs the PowerSource Registration that your servers are using SSL.

    District Postal Code

    Enter the district's postal code. This is used when teachers search for your district via zip or geo-location.

  3. Click Submit

Upload a School Map

You can upload a map of your campus that is visible to students using the PowerSchool Mobile. For best results, use a PDF with text for room numbers and names. This allows students and parents to search for a room number.

Maximum file size for uploaded map image is 1 MB.

Upload a school map in PDF, JPEG, GIF or PNG format. See the upload page for detailed information on recommended specifications.

  1. Navigate to the School Map page. 
  2. Click Choose File (or Browse) to select the school map file.
  3. Click Submit
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