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Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express

PowerSchool Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express version is available as of 09/04/2023.

In preparation for the forthcoming contact sequencing updates within PowerSchool SIS version PS_23.9.0.0, the Ecollect/Forms Enrollment Express team has made coinciding changes. These enhancements will be released in Ecollect Forms/ Enrollment Express version EEC_23.9.0.0.
It is strongly recommended that customers proceed with upgrading their Ecollect Forms/ Enrollment Express software to version EEC_23.9.0.0 either before or at the same general time as upgrading PowerSchool SIS to version PS_23.9.0.0. This will prevent any potential issues related to contacts, form submission, and form approval.

New Feature

Product Area


Admin - Ecollect-Data-Operations plugin

With the upgrade to Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express to version, customers will have the Ecollect-Data-Operations plugin installed that helps facilitate power queries for future product integration enhancements. The minimum SIS version required to install the plugin is

It is important to note that installing the Ecollect-Data-Operations plugin will have no impact on any other Ecollect Forms or Enrollment Express features.

To install the Ecollect-Data-Operations plugin exclusively, follow these steps:

  • From the Start page, choose System, then Subscription Manager.

  • In the Installation/Upgrade section, select the option: Check this to exclusively install the Ecollect-Data-Operations plugin.

  • Click Install/Upgrade, and then click Install.
    Subsequent upgrades will upgrade this plugin like all other plugins.


Product Area


Admin/Parent - Ability to add and view translations on Student Support Plan name

Admins can now add translations to Support plan names on the Manage Student Support Plans configuration page (accessed via the Forms Configuration menu).

  • When creating or editing a support plan, admins will see a Globe icon beside the plan name, allowing them to add translations.

  • When admins choose to add a new support plan, click New to display a list of translated support plan names based on their preferred language selection.

  • When the form responder (Parent or Admin) accesses the Student Support Plan tab and views the list of student support plans, the information displayed in the Type field is updated to reflect the student support plan name instead of the student plan code.

  • Admins, parents, and students can view translated student support plan names. The Type field will display the translated value if available based on their preferred language selection, similar to the Form Title translations.

  • If translations are not configured for a support plan name, the default value will be displayed on the form responder view regardless of preferred language options.

Admin/Parent - Form category translations

Ability to add user-defined translations:

  • Form builders can now add translations to Form Category similar to Form Title.

  • Form responder - parent/admin/teacher portal can now view these translated form categories based on their preferred language selection.

  • If there are no translations provided for the Form Category, then the default form category is displayed on the form responder view regardless of the preferred language options.


If the Form Category is left blank, the Form Category is defaulted to General on the form responder view regardless of the preferred language options.

Admin / Parent - UI improvement on the contact card labels

The contact cards display labels that indicate New, Update, and Delete on the form response view. The look and feel of these labels are now improved. Additionally, the No Changes label is added to indicate the contact cards that did not have any updates.

Resolved Issues

Product Area



Admin/Parent - Student Support Plan tab

When users clicked on the Student Support Plan tab, the page did not load or needed multiple refreshes to load. This issue was resolved.


Admin - SIS Pre-Registration student enrollment status

When a student's entry date was set for a future term, and their form submission approval date fell between the current term's end date and the start date of the new term, the student was incorrectly enrolled as Active. This issue was resolved.


Teacher - Block calendar event

When the teacher blocked a calendar event on a student form with a calendar element, the Submit form failed. This issue was resolved.


Admin/Parent – Multiple-choice text entry option for Other

When the user entered a value for the Other option in the Multiple-choice element and the form was submitted, the Other option was deselected and appeared to show an unanswered question. This issue was resolved.


Parent - Contact Element data entry validation

The absence of mandatory field validations and other validations for data entry in the First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Phone, Email, and Address fields through the contact element by parents, students, or admins resulted in invalid data being written into SIS. This issue was resolved. Contact data entered from Ecollect/Enrollment Express is now in alignment with the SIS data validations.


Removed Features/Future Deprecation




Deprecation of Cloud Pre-Registration Process

As of July 1st, 2023, the Enrollment Express Cloud Pre-Registration process was deprecated. As part of this change, with the upgrade to the version, the Cloud Pre-Registration-specific PowerSchool SIS fields in forms are disabled, any existing auto-comm jobs will be deleted, and the Manage Cloud Pre-Registration Setup page will be no longer accessible.

With the release of version, the U_ECOLLECT_ENROLL-specific PowerSchool SIS fields related to Cloud Pre-Registration will no longer be in use and they will also appear disabled in new forms. This means that users can no longer utilize these PowerSchool SIS fields when creating new forms. Additionally, any forms created after the release will not have the option to share forms based on the U_ECOLLECT_ENROLL-specific PowerSchool SIS fields.

While existing forms that already include the U_ECOLLECT_ENROLL-specific PowerSchool SIS fields will remain unaffected by this change, there are certain considerations to be aware of. If you choose to edit any existing forms that contain the U_ECOLLECT_ENROLL-specific PowerSchool SIS fields and subsequently remove those fields and save the form, the edited forms will no longer have access to the U_ECOLLECT_ENROLL-specific PowerSchool SIS fields.

Form Responders can continue interacting with forms and submitting data as before, without disruptions.

Deprecation of Cloud Pre-Registration Process

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