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Direct Database Export

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Use DDE to search and match data in most of the internal tables on your PowerSchool server. Depending on your security settings, you may not be able to perform all functions.

PowerSchool data is stored in a relational database of tables. Each table contains many individual fields. When you use DDE, you directly access a table in the relational database. Use PowerSchool's Direct Database Export (DDE) page to create an export file or report that contains records from the tables. Use another application, such as a spreadsheet application, to view or organize the records. Unlike using the Export Templates page, you can match and export data from two related tables. When you export data from DDE, the system creates an independent export file that you can open or update using any application you want.

For example, assume you want to export all ninth graders and their current grades to a software application to create a pie graph. Use the DDE function to match the records in the student table to the current grades table; then, export both tables of data, open the export file in a spreadsheet application, and create the graph.

Select Records for Export - List View

View a list of all records in a selected table or search for specific records in a table. You can also limit the export to records for all schools on your system or just one school. For example, export student data about California residents in fourth grade or above who attend all schools on the system.

  1. Navigate to the Direct Database Export page
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Current Table

    Choose the table from which you want to export records.

    You can select Database extension tables from the Current Table. For more information, refer to Database Extensions. If your user role includes access to the Students table, but one or more extended tables are restricted, extended table fields will appear masked on the export.

    Select all [x] records in this table

    To indicate the records to use in the export, do one of the following:

    • Click Select all [number of] records in this table to select all records and skip to the last step.
    • Identify search criteria in the Search Students fields by continuing to Search [Table Name].

    Search [Table Name]

    Choose a field from the first menu.

    Choose an operator:

    • Equals (=)
    • Less than (<)
    • Greater than (>)
    • Less than or equal to (<=)
    • Greater than or equal to (>=)
    • Does not equal (#)
    • Contains (contains)
    • Does not contain (!Contain)

    Enter the value for the field in the last field.

    Search only in records belonging to [school name]

    Select the checkbox to filter your school's records in the search.

    This function depends on the table being searched containing the SchoolID field.

  3. Click Search within the current [number of selected] records only

  4. Click List View to make sure you selected the records you want to export. 

Select Records for Export - Table View

View a report in a table format of all records in a selected table, or search for specific records in a table. You can also limit the export to records for all schools on your system or just one school. For example, export student data about California residents in fourth grade or above who attend all schools on the system.

  1. Navigate to the Direct Database Export page.
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Current Table

    Choose the table from which you want to export records.

    Note: You can select Database extension tables from the Current Table. For more information, see Database Extensions. If your user role includes access to the Students table, but one or more extended tables are restricted, extended table fields will appear masked on the export.

    Select all [x] records in this table

    To indicate the records to use in the export, do one of the following:

    • Click Select all [number of] records in this table to select all records and skip to the last step.
    • Identify search criteria in the Search Students fields by continuing to Search [Table Name].

    Search [Table Name]

    Choose a field from the first menu.

    Choose an operator:

    • Equals (=)
    • Less than (<)
    • Greater than (>)
    • Less than or equal to (<=)
    • Greater than or equal to (>=)
    • Does not equal (#)
    • Contains (contains)
    • Does not contain (!Contain)

    Enter the value for the field in the last field.

    Search only in records belonging to [school name]

    Select the checkbox to filter your school's records in the search.

  3. Click Table View to make sure you selected the records you want to export. 

  4. Click Search within the current [# of selected] records only. Then, click the field value to link to the Modify Record page.

Format the DDE Table View

  1. Navigate to the Direct Database Export page.
  2. Click Table View Setup
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:

    The following descriptions are only for fields that require special considerations.



    Use Font Tag

    Select the checkbox to apply font formats.

    Format Data

    Select the checkbox if you want the system to format the data within the table.

    Use Gridlines

    Select the checkbox if you want the table to separate each field of data with gridlines.

    Alternate Colors

    Select the checkbox if you want the table to display each row of data in a different color.

    Use Cell Padding

    Enter a number to indicate how much padding you want each cell of the table to contain around the text. For example, most users enter a number between 1 and 3.

  4. Click Submit

Match Selections for Export

Match the records you searched for and selected in one table to records in another table to gather and select information so you can view what you need. For example, match records in the Students table to the CC (current grades) table.

You cannot match tables that do not have a relationship or shared field. For example, you cannot match the Students table to the Teachers table.

  1. Navigate to the Direct Database Export page.
  2. Choose one of the tables to match from the Current Table menu.
  3. Click Select all [#] records in this table.
  4. Click Match Selection

  5. Choose the second table to match from the pop-up menu.
  6. Click Proceed to match selection.

Export Records

Before exporting records, you must first select the records using the Direct Database Export function.

  1. Navigate to the Direct Database Export page.
  2. Select records for exporting.
  3. Click Export Records
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:




    Choose the fields you want to export a copy of the data. After you choose each field, the system inserts the field name in the text box. Enter as many fields as needed. Only one field appears per line. Separate multiple fields with a hard return.

    To include fields from another table, manually enter the name of the table in brackets, then the field name in the field box. For example, to export fields from the Sections table and include teachers' names, enter [teachers]lastfirst.

    To include database extension fields from another table, manually enter [Table.ExtensionName] in brackets, followed by the field name. For example, to export fields from the Sections table and include alternate course numbers, enter [Courses.CoursesCoreFields]Alt_Course_Number.

    Field Delimiter

    A field delimiter separates fields (or "columns") in the exported data. Choose how you want the system to separate each field in the export file:

    • Tab
    • Comma
    • None
    • Other: Enter the delimiter in the blank field.

    Record Delimiter

    A record delimiter separates records (or "rows") in the exported data. Choose how you want the system to separate each record in the export file:

    • CR: Carriage return
    • CRLF: Carriage return and line feed
    • LF: Line feed
    • Other: Enter the delimiter in the blank field.

    Surround Fields

    Select the checkbox if you want the system to surround each field with quotation marks in the export file.

    Column titles on 1st row

    Select the checkbox if you want the first row of the export file to have column titles indicating the fields included in each column.

    Sorting Records

    Determine the order of the records in the export file. Define a primary, secondary, and tertiary sort. In the first field in the Sort Field Name column, enter the field name by which you want to sort the records in the file primarily. Then, select one of the following to determine to sort records by this field in ascending or descending order:

    • < (descending)
    • > (ascending)
  5. Click Submit.
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