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View Class Roster

View the Class Roster From the Master Schedule Page

Note: The Master Schedule page must be set to View By Matrix in order to access the Class Roster page. For more information, see Set Master Schedule Preferences.

  1. On the start page, choose Master Schedule under Functions in the main menu. 
  2. Click the [Enrollment] link to display the section's class roster. 
    Note: The [Enrollment] link appears to the right of the [Course.Section] link.

View the Class Roster From the Sections Page

  1. On the start page, choose School under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Scheduling, click Sections
  3. Choose the course name from the courses menu. 
  4. Click Enrollment to display the section's class roster. 

View the Class Roster From the Staff Page

  1. On the start page, search for and select a staff member
  2. On the Staff page, click Current Schedule from the staff pages menu. 
  3. Click Enrollment to display the section's class roster. 

View the Class Roster From the Teacher Schedules Page

  1. On the start page, choose Teacher Schedules under Functions in the main menu. 
  2. Click the name of the staff member. 
  3. Click Enrollment to display the section's class roster.

View the Class Roster

On the Class Roster page, you can do the following:




By default, the Class Roster page displays only the names of the students in the class. Click a student's name to view student pages for that selected student.

Detailed View On

To view additional information for each student, click the Detailed View switch to On. The page refreshes and displays each student's:

  • Name
  • Gender
  • Grade Level
  • The date the student Entered the class
  • The date the student Exited the class
  • The enrollment Status for each student - Click to edit the student's enrollment record. For more information, see Edit an Enrollment Record.

Filter Results By

The filter function appears when the Detailed View switch is set to On.

Use the filter function to narrow the list of students by one or more of the following:

  • Active - Select the checkbox to view active students. By default, this checkbox is selected.
  • Dropped - Select the checkbox to view dropped students.
  • Pre-Registered - Select the checkbox to view pre-registered students.
  • Gender - Choose the gender from the pop-up menu to view All, Female, or Male students.
  • Grade Level - Choose the grade level from the pop-up menu.

Click the arrow to collapse this section. Click the arrow again to expand this section.

Detailed View Off

Click the Detailed View switch to Off to only view students' names.

Note: When viewing the Class Roster in "simple" mode, only students who are active appear. If a student's enrollment dates were modified, the student may no longer appear.

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