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Run the Teacher Schedule Report

The Teacher Schedule Report allows you to produce and print teacher schedules for the current year with page breaks between teachers. Though this report can be viewed with Safari for Mac OS X and Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows, other browsers may not appropriately display the report formatting.

Tips for printing this report:

  • Enable the printing of backgrounds. Shading and colorations in reports are all considered backgrounds. Not printing backgrounds may lead to illegible printouts.
  • Turn off the printing of header information in your browser settings. If this is not off, each page printed may include the URL of this page, a page number, and a time stamp. These are generally not desired for this report.
  • Use your browser's Print Preview function to confirm that the output is correct prior to sending it to the printer. You may adjust text size using the text font size controls of your browser. You may also control the page orientation using your browser settings to fix table cells that span page breaks or reports that print too small.
  1. On the start page, search for and select a group of staff members.
  2. Click Functions. 
  3. Click Teacher Schedule Report. 
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Report Title

    Enter a title for the report.

    Teachers to scan

    Select an option to indicate the teachers to include, if applicable.

    Max Teachers per Page

    Enter the maximum number of teachers to display per page.

    Sort Order

    Select an option to indicate the sort order.

    Bell Schedule for Period Start/End Times

    Select from the pop-up menu which bell schedule to use to display the start and end times for each period.

    Include Co-teaching Sections

    Select the checkbox to include all sections for which the teacher has an active role for the current term.

    Display Only Today's Co-teaching

    Sections Select the checkbox to display only those sections for which the teacher has an active role for the current day. Deselect the checkbox to view all sections for which the teacher has an active role for the current term.

  5. Click Submit.
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