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ReportWorks Administrator Report Queue

Administrators can view all queued and completed reports regardless of the user on the ReportWorks tab. For more information about the user-specific report queue, see ReportWorks Queue.

View Queued Reports in the Report Queue

  1. On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Reports, click Report Queue Settings
  3. Click the ReportWorks tab.
  4. Click Queued Reports
  5. Click Refresh to update the page.
  6. Use the following table to view information in the fields



    Created On

    The date the report was generated appears.

    Report Name

    Click the name to open the Report Details dialog. For more information, see View Completed ReportWorks Details.


    The date and time the report job started appears.

    Create By

    The username of the person who ran the report appears.


    The status of the report job appears:

    • Running: Job is processing.
    • Pending: Job has not started


    Icons appear depending on the status of the report.

    • Click the Trash Can icon to delete a report.
    • Click the Cancel icon to cancel a running or pending report.

View Completed Reports in the Report Queue

When a report runs completely, view the job details.

  1. On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Reports, click Report Queue Settings
  3. Click ReportWorks.
  4. Click Completed Reports
  5. Use the following table to view information in the fields:



    Created On

    The date the report was generated appears.

    Report Name

    Click the name to open the Report Details dialog. For more information, see View Completed ReportWorks Details.


    The date and time the report job started appears.

    Create By

    The username of the person who ran the report appears.

    Output Type Icon

    The output type of the associated report appears. Click the icon to view the report.


    The status of the report job appears:

    • Completed: Job is finished. Click the hyperlink to view the report.
    • Canceled: Job has been canceled.


    Icons appear depending on the status of the report.

    • Click the Trash Can icon to delete a report.
    • Click the Regenerate icon to re-run a completed or canceled report.

View Completed ReportWorks Details

When a report runs completely, view the job details.

  1. On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Reports, click Report Queue Settings
  3. Click ReportWorks.
  4. Click Completed Reports
  5. Click the job name of the report. 
  6. Use the following table to view information in the fields:



    Report Name

    The name of the report appears.


    The report description appears.


    The status of the report job appears:

    • Completed: Job is finished. Click the hyperlink to view the report.
    • Canceled: Job has been canceled.

    Created On

    The date the report was generated appears.

    Create By

    The username of the person who ran the report appears.


    The date and time the report job started appears.


    The date and time the report job ended appears.

    Error Code

    The code used to cancel the report appears.

    Error Message

    Details regarding the cancellation of the report appear.

  7. Click Close Details to close the dialog.
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