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Report Cards

Report card reports can be used for much more than just end-of-the-term reports. You can also use them to create other types of documents, such as custom letters or progress reports. Any report card-style report can include text as well as PowerSchool fields.

You can only create report cards for the term selected on the start page. To report on more than one term, create an object report. For more information, see Object Reports.

Open a Preview Page

When creating custom reports, it is a good idea to preview them often as you work. Therefore, before you create any new reports, you should open a preview page in your Web browser.

  1. On the start page, search for and select any student or group of students.
  2. Choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu.
  3. Click the Setup tab.
  4. Click Form Letters.
  5. Click Print.

Add a Custom Report Card Template

You can customize the following elements of a report card template:

  1. From the start page, select System Reports > Setup > Report Cards > New.
  2. Complete details.

    For Title, in addition to standard text, you can include HTML tags and PowerSchool data codes.

  3. Click Submit.
  4. Click the title of the report you just created.
  5. On the Report Card page, choose either Left, Center, or Right title justification from the menu.
  6. Click Submit.


The heading can include any type of information, such as your school's address, a note to parents, HTML tags, PowerSchool fields and data codes.

  1. On the Report Cards page, click the name of the report.
  2. On the Report Card page, click Heading.
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Heading Text Style

    Choose the style for the heading text from the menu.

    [Heading Justification]

    Choose the horizontal heading alignment from the menu.

    [Heading Text]

    Enter the content you want to appear in the heading. In addition to standard text, you can include HTML tags, PowerSchool fields and PowerSchool data codes.

    To insert a PowerSchool field into this field:

    1. Click Fields to view a list of PowerSchool fields.
    2. To narrow the list of fields, enter one of more search terms in the Filter field. Otherwise, leave blank.
    3. Click the field you want to add.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click Submit again to save the report template.

Schedule Listing

Format schedule listings to display grades, citizenship, absences, tardies, and scores for individual assignments.

Note: This listing is referred to as a Student Schedule when printing reports. For more information, see Run, Print, and Save Reports.

  1. On the Report Cards page, click the name of the report.
  2. On the Report Card page, click Schedule Listing.
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Column Titles Style

    Choose a style for the column titles from the menu.

    Class Listings Style

    Choose a style for the class listings from the menu.

    Use Future Schedule

    Select the checkbox to use next year's student schedules. To use this year's schedules, deselect the checkbox.

  4. Complete the remaining items, which concern the format of the report card, as necessary. To use the defaults, do not make any changes to the formatting fields. For further explanation of the fields, see Report Formatting. Select what data will comprise the schedule listings in the columns.
  5. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:




    Use the pop-up menu to choose the information for the first column on the report card. Use the next field only if you make certain choices for the Shows column. If you select any of the following in the Shows column, enter a specific term preceded with a semicolon in the next field:

    • Absences
    • Tardies
    • Attendance pts
    • Historical grade
    • Hist. percent
    • Hist. cr. hrs.
    • Hist. grade pts.
    • Hist. tchr. cmnt
    • Hist. citizenship

    For example, enter ;Q1 in the blank field next to the Shows column to display information for Q1. If you select Attendance in the Shows column, enter an attendance code.

    If you select asmt score, asmt pct, or asmt pts poss in the Shows column, enter an assignment name. The assignment name must exactly match that in the gradebook.

    When the Shows column is blank but you want a title for the column, enter text or an HTML tag in the next field. PowerSchool will use the information to populate that column of the report.

    Column Title

    Enter a column title.

    Column Width

    Enter a column width.


    Enter one of the following codes:

    • R for right justification
    • L for left justification
    • C for center justification
  6. Repeat Step 5 for other columns to be included on the report card. Create up to 12 columns.

  7. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    ...include only those classes

    Select the checkbox for the students who have final grades recorded in the specified term (optional). In the space provided, enter the terms/store codes, such as Q1, Q2, and Q3. This tells PowerSchool to list only classes for which there are stored grades for the terms listed. When a student drops a class and does not receive a final grade, the class will not appear on the report card.

    Extended stored grade retrieval

    Select the checkbox to include additional stored grades. This is helpful when a student switches from one section of a course to another section of the same course. The courses and grades appear on one row of the report rather than different lines for each section.

  8. Click Submit.
  9. Click Submit again to save the report template.


Next, set up the footer. The footer is exactly like the heading except that it appears below the schedule listings. It can contain any type of information, including your school's address, a note to parents, HTML tags, PowerSchool fields and data codes.

  1. On the Report Cards page, click the name of the report.
  2. On the Report Card page, click Footer.
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Footer text style

    Choose the style for the footer text from the menu.

    [Footer Justification]

    Choose the horizontal footer alignment from the menu.

    [Footer Text]

    Enter the content you want to appear in the footer. In addition to standard text, you can include HTML tags, PowerSchool fields and PowerSchool data codes.

    To insert a PowerSchool field into this field:

    1. Click Fields to view a list of PowerSchool fields.
    2. To narrow the list of fields, enter one of more search terms in the Filter field. Otherwise, leave blank.
    3. Click the field you want to add.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click Submit again to save the report template.


Specify which schools can access the report.

  1. On the Report Cards page, click the name of the report.
  2. On the Report Card page, select an option to indicate which schools on the PowerSchool system will have access to this report:
  • users at all schools [on the server]
  • only users at [selected school]
  • To indicate that teachers can print this report, select the checkbox.
  • Click Submit.
  • Click Submit again to save the report template.

Page Setup

Specify how the report fits on the page.

  1. On the Report Cards page, click the name of the report.
  2. On the Report Card page, click Margins & Page Setup.
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:




    Enter the margins in inches for the left, top, right, and bottom of the page.


    Choose the orientation from the menu:

    • Portrait (vertical)
    • Landscape (horizontal)


    Enter a reduction scale (optional). This refers to the finished size of the report. Fit more on a page by reducing it by a percentage, but remember to leave it as large as possible for easier viewing.

  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click Submit again to save the report template.

Print Setup

Specify how the report will print.

  1. On the Report Cards page, click the name of the report.
  2. On the Report Card page, click Special Printing Options.
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Multiple reports per page

    Select the checkbox to create more than one report per page. If you select this option, enter the number of reports that appear across (in columns) and down (in rows) on each page.

    Gutter Widths

    If you are printing multiple reports on each page, enter the width for the gutter between the columns and rows.

    Suppress column title printing

    Select the checkbox to hide the column titles.

  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click Submit again to save the report template.

Preview a Report Card

  1. Open a report preview page. 
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Which report would you like to print?

    Choose the report from the menu.

    For which students?

    Select an option to indicate the students for whom to run the report, if necessary. Indicate the number of pages to print:

    • To print a report for all of the selected students, choose the All records in a single batch option.
    • To print a limited number of pages, choose the Print only the first X records option and enter the number of pages to print.
    • To print batches of reports for all of the selected students, choose the All records in batches of X records option and enter the number of records to print per batch.

    In what order?

    Select the sort order.

    If printing student schedules, use

    Select an option to indicate enrollment specifications. If you select the enrollment as of option, enter the enrollment date in the field.

    If printing fee list, only include transactions conducted during... (may be overridden in report setup)

    If you selected an Object Report in the "Which report to would you like to print" field and that Object Report includes a fee list object, choose the date range from the pop-up menu. If you select the "Date Range," enter the beginning and ending dates in the fields using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

    Watermark Text

    To print text as a watermark on each page of the report, choose from the pop-up menu one of the standard phrases or choose Custom and enter the text you want to print as a watermark in the field.

    Watermark Mode

    Use the menu to determine how you want the text to print. Watermark prints the text behind objects on the report, while Overlay prints the text over objects on the report.

    When to print

    Select a time to start the report:

    • ASAP: Execute immediately.
    • At Night: Execute during the next evening.
    • On Weekend: Execute during the next weekend.
    • On Specific Date/Time: Execute on the date and time specified in the following fields.
  3. Click Submit.

Edit a Custom Report Card Template

  1. On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu.
  2. Click the Setup tab.
  3. Click Report Cards.
  4. Click the name of the report you want to edit.
  5. Edit the report card to meet your needs and specifications. For more information, see Add a Custom Form Letter.
  6. Click Submit. The Report Cards page appears. If you are ready to run the report, see Run, Print, and Save Reports.

Delete a Custom Report Card Template

  1. On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu.
  2. Click the Setup tab.
  3. Click Report Cards.
  4. Click the name of the report you want to delete.
  5. Click Delete.
  6. Click Confirm Delete.
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