Reenroll Students
On this page:
Reenroll a student in your school after he or she has previously left. You cannot transfer a student to your school while that student is still enrolled at another school on your system. The transferring school must also be on the same PowerSchool system as your school.
Note: If the student is transferring from a school that uses the same PowerSchool system as yours, the sending school must transfer the student to your school before you can reenroll that student.
To reenroll a group of students, see Reenroll a Group of Students.
Reenroll Student in School
- On the start page, select the school you want to reenroll the student in.
- Search for and select the student.
- Under Enrollment, choose Functions from the student pages menu.
- Click Reenroll in School.
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Student to Reenroll
The selected student appears.
Date of Reenrollment
Enter the date of the reenrollment.
Entry Code
Choose the reason for the enrollment from the pop-up menu.
Entry Comment
Enter any comments related to the reenrollment.
Grade Level
Choose the student's current grade level from the pop-up menu.
Restore class enrollments?
Choose either Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Restoring the enrollments creates new enrollment records and aids in reports, such as the Enrollment by Section report.
Full-Time Equivalency
Choose the multiplier to calculate full-time equivalency from the pop-up menu.
Membership Share
Choose the multiplier to calculate the membership share from the pop-up menu.
Tuition Payer
Choose the method of tuition payment from the pop-up menu.
Special Enrollment Code
Choose an enrollment code from the pop-up menu.
Enrollment Type
Choose an enrollment type from the pop-up menu.
- Click Submit.
Reenroll a Group of Students
Reenroll a group of students into your school. You cannot transfer students to your school while they are still enrolled at another school on your system. The transferring school must also be on the same PowerSchool system as your school.
Note: If the student is transferring from a school that uses the same PowerSchool system as yours, the sending school must transfer the student to your school before you can reenroll that student.
To reenroll an individual student, see Reenroll in School.
- On the start page, select the school you want to reenroll the group of students in.
- Search for and select the group of students.
- Click the [Select Function] arrow.
- Under Enrollment, choose Re-Enroll in School.
Note: Alternatively, if you have a current selection of students, you can choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu and then click Groups Functions. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
Who will be reenrolled
The selected number of students appears.
Date of re-enrollment
Enter the date of the reenrollment.
Entry Code
Choose the reason for the enrollment from the pop-up menu.
Entry Comment
Enter any comments related to the reenrollment.
Select one of the following options to indicate whether to change the students' track:
- Keep existing track: Retains the students' track.
- Change all to track: Moves the students to the track selected from the pop-up menu.
District of Residence
Select one of the following options to indicate whether to change the students' district of residence:
- Keep existing District of Residence: Retains the students' district of residence.
- Change all to District: Moves the students to the district selected from the pop-up menu.
Note: For more information about districts of residence, see Districts of Residence.
Restore class enrollments?
Choose either Yes or No from the pop-up menu. Restoring the enrollments creates new enrollment records and aids in reports, such as the Enrollment by Section report.
If more than one student is being re-enrolled
Select the checkbox to verify that you want to re-enroll the selected students.
- Click Submit.
Transfer Student to Another School
Transfer a student to another school after you have transferred him or her out of your school. You cannot transfer a student to another school while that student is enrolled at another school on your system. The receiving school must also be on the same PowerSchool system as your school.
Note: Once you transfer the student to another school, you will not be allowed to view any of his or her records unless you have district-level access.
- On the start page, select the school the student is currently enrolled in.
- Search for and select the student. Remember to use the forward slash (/) before the student's last name, as the student is now inactive at your school.
- Under Enrollment, choose Functions from the student pages menu.
- Click Transfer to Another School.
- Choose the receiving school from the To which school? pop-up menu.
- Click Submit.
If the system finds a student at the new school with the same last name or phone number, the Check for Duplicate Students page displays these students. You can then click each student's name to ensure that the student you are transferring is not already enrolled at the new school.
It is the responsibility of the receiving school to activate the student's records and schedule his or her classes. For more information, see Enroll a Student.