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PowerSchool Test Scores

Using PowerSchool Test Scores, you can easily manage test results for an individual student.

For tests to appear in the Enter New Test menu, they must first be created.

Enter Student PowerSchool Test Scores

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student
  2. Under Academics, choose Test Results from the student pages menu. 
  3. Click PowerSchool Test Scores.
  4. Choose a test from the Enter New Test menu and click Submit.
  5. Enter the date of the test.
  6. Choose the term.
  7. Enter the grade level.
  8. Enter the number score, the percent score, and the alpha letter grade.
  9. Click Submit.

Import PowerSchool Test Scores

Use the Import Test Results function when setting up your initial PowerSchool data, enrolling a large number of new or transferring students, or entering test results for students after receiving the test results. Before importing test results, you must have an ASCII text file containing the test score data being imported, preferably delimited by tabs.

The following table displays a sample import file for eleventh graders who recently took the ACT. This example shows an import file reporting the numeric scores, test date, and students' grade level at the time the test was given. The test results are named Composite, English, Math, Reading, and Science.


To record the numeric, percentage, and alphanumeric scores for test results, use the following numeric suffixes after the column headings and one space:

  •  [Column name] 1: Displays the numeric score. For example, include in the Math 1 column the scores 17, 27, and 22.
  • [Column name] 2: Displays the percentage score. For example, include in the Math 2 column the scores 57%, 90%, and 73%.
  • [Column name] 3: Displays that alphanumeric score. For example, include in the Math 3 column the scores F, A-, and C.

Note: It is not necessary to have all three score types (number, percent, or alpha) when importing a score. Import one, two, or all three score types.

The following table displays a sample import file for eleventh graders who recently took a district-level math test. This example shows an import file reporting the numeric, percentage, and alphanumeric scores, test date, and students' grade level at the time the test was given.

student_numberDategrade_levelMath 1Math 2Math 3

Before importing test results, you must first create a test and its scores

  1. On the start page, choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu. 
  2. Click Importing & Exporting
  3. Click Quick Import
  4. Choose the Test Results table.
  5. Choose the field delimiter. 
  6. Choose the End-of-line marker.
  7. Click Browse…
  8. Select Suggest field map to have the system suggest PowerSchool field names for the information in the data file.
  9. Click Import
  10. Choose a test from the Test pop-up menu. If the test you want does not appear, create it
  11. Click Submit
  12. Choose the PowerSchool field into which you want to enter each value from the To PowerSchool pop-up menu.
  13. Select the checkbox to exclude the first row. Depending on the text file, the first row may include information about the file and not about the student test results.
  14. Enter the imported value you want to use in the unmapped field, and choose the PowerSchool field from the pop-up menu.
  15. Click Submit. The Import Progress page displays the records that were successfully imported and those that the system could not import because of your specifications. The system imports the data into the Test Scores table. Depending on the type of data, you can view, edit, and report on it.

Edit Student PowerSchool Test Results

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student.
  2. Under Academics, choose Test Results from the student pages menu. 
  3. Click the PowerSchool Test Scores tab.
  4. Click the name of the test you want to edit. 
  5. Edit the information as needed.
  6. Click Submit

Delete Student PowerSchool Test Results

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student.
  2. Under Academics, choose Test Results from the student pages menu. 
  3. Click the PowerSchool Test Scores tab.
  4. Click the name of the test you want to delete. 
  5. Click Delete.
  6. Click Confirm Delete
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