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Health Concerns

If enhanced health is enabled, you can use Health Concerns to record any health concerns for a selected student.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student.
  2. Choose Health from the student pages menu.
  3. Click Health Concerns.

  4. Select Show All (+0) to view both active and inactive health concerns. The count (+0) indicates the total number of inactive health concerns. Inactive health concerns appear italicized.

  5. Click Add.
  6. Choose the Health Concern ensuring that it does not duplicate existing health concerns or overlap date ranges.

  7. Select Show in Alert to display the health concern within the Medical Alert.

    By default, health concerns and comments do not appear within the Medical Alert, as certain student information may be sensitive, private, or should otherwise not be disclosed to a wider audience. Once the student has at least one active health concern set to Show in Alert, legacy active medical alerts and active health plans appear along with the active health concern.

  8. Enter a Start Date and an End Date if the health concern is only applicable for a certain amount of time.

  9. Select Current Form to indicate you have received an official form (either that the school uses or from the doctor's office).

  10. Enter Comments as needed.

  11. Select Show in Alert to display the health concern comments within the Medical Alert.

  12. Click Save.

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