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Enrollment Reports

When running enrollment reports, you can screen for students in special programs. If the students are in the selected program at any time during the specified period, they are included in the report results. For each report, you can check for possible conflicts to display any students with errors on their class enrollment dates.

Class Size Reduction Report

The Class Size Reduction report provides a day-to-day count of section enrollment over a specified period. When setting up the report, you can exclude students in a special program from the enrollment count. At least one course number must be entered to run the report. To display detailed enrollment per section, see Run the Enrollment by Section Report.

  1. On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu. 
  2. On the System tab, click Class Size Reduction Report
  3. Select which date range to use for this report by choosing a Reporting Segment or specifying a date range within the selected year term.

  4. Select the Processing Options. After submitting this report, it will be processed in the report queue. On the navigation bar, click the Report Queue button.

  5. Choose Set All to select all or Reset All to remove all selections within the Data to be filled section.

  6. Select Exclude counts for students enrolled in this Special Program to indicate any special program you want to exclude from being counted. Students will not be included in the class size counts for each day that they are enrolled in the specified special program.

  7. Specify the Sort By options.

  8. Enter specific course numbers you want to include. Separate multiple courses with commas.
  9. Specify whether you want to exclude or include any sections.
  10. Enter the section numbers to be included or excluded. Separate multiple sections with commas. Use a blank field to scan all sections.

  11. Click Check for possible conflicts to display any students with errors on their class enrollment dates.

  12. Determine whether you want to break the report across pages by Month or Reporting Segment.

  13. Click Submit.
  14. Click View once the report is completed.

Click Refresh to update the status of the report. Print the report from this page or save it to another application. For more information, see Run, Print, and Save Reports.

Enrollment by Grade Report

Use the Enrollment by Grade report to generate a summary of accumulated student enrollment by grade level. 

  1. On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu. 
  2. On the System tab, click Enrollment by Grade
  3. Choose the Reporting Segment.
  4. Select the grade levels you want to scan or leave blank to scan all grade levels.
  5. Select the special programs you want to exclude or leave blank to include students in all special programs.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Click View once the report is completed.

Click Refresh to update the status of the report. Print the report from this page or save it to another application. For more information, see Run, Print, and Save Reports.

Enrollment by Section Report

This report provides current year enrollment statistics for class sections. To report on class size, see Run the Class Size Reduction Report.

  1. On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu. 
  2. On the System tab, click Enrollment by Section
  3. Select which date range to use for this report by choosing a Reporting Segment or specifying a date range within the selected year term.
  4. Select the Processing Options. After submitting this report, it will be processed in the report queue. On the navigation bar, click the Report Queue button.
  5. Choose Set All to select all or Reset All to remove all selections within the Data to be filled section.
  6. Specify the Sort By options.
  7. Enter specific course numbers you want to include. Separate multiple courses with commas.
  8. Specify whether you want to exclude or include any sections.
  9. Enter the section numbers to be included or excluded. Separate multiple sections with commas. Use a blank field to scan all sections.

  10. Click Check for possible conflicts to display any students with errors on their class enrollment dates.

  11. Click Submit
  12. Click View once the report is completed.

Click Refresh to update the status of the report. Print the report from this page or save it to another application. For more information, see Run, Print, and Save Reports.

Enrollment Summary by Date Report

This report is essentially the same as the Enrollment Summary except for the subtle difference in the order and options by which you generate the report. For further information, see Enrollment Summary.

Section Enrollment Audit Report

Use the Section Enrollment Audit report to detect possible section enrollment errors, such as a student who is enrolled in school but not in any classes.

  1. On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu. 
  2. On the System tab, click Section Enrollment Audit
  3. Click Continue to generate the report.

School Enrollment Audit Report

Use the School Enrollment Audit report to detect possible school enrollment errors.

  1. On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu. 
  2. On the System tab, click School Enrollment Audit
  3. Click Continue to generate the report.

Vocational Courses Aggregate Membership Report

Use the Vocational Courses Aggregate Membership report to generate a list of vocational sections and their current membership totals.

  1. On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu. 
  2. On the System tab, click Voc. Courses Agg. Membership
  3. Enter the number of data rows you want to appear on each page of the report for Lines per page.
  4. Enter the page number on which you want the report to start for Starting Page Number.
  5. Select the Processing Options. After submitting this report, it will be processed in the report queue. On the navigation bar, click the Report Queue button.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. Click View once the report is completed.

Click Refresh to update the status of the report. Proceed by doing one of the following:

    • Click a number of aggregate membership days to view an audit page.
    • Click an underlined number in the Size column to view the list of students in the class.
    • Click a section number to view a description of the section.
    • Print the report from your Web browser or save it to another application. For more information, see Run, Print, and Save Reports.

Enrollment Summary

The Enrollment Summary report can be run from the district level, as well as the school level. Depending on which context you run the report, the resulting report displays a breakdown of students for the entire district or school. If running the report at the district level, the Enrollment Summary page displays student Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity data. If running the report at the school level, the Enrollment Summary page provides you with student Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity data, as well as student Federal Ethnicity and Race data.

Navigate to the Enrollment Summary

If running the report at the district level, data is calculated for all active students for today's date. If running the report at the school level, you can choose the students and date (depending on student selection) for which you want data to be calculated.

There are multiple ways to access the Enrollment Summary report. Choose one of the following:

  • On the start page, choose Enrollment Summary
  • On the start page, search for and select a group of students. Click the [Select Function] arrow then choose Enrollment Summary.
  • On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu then click Enrollment Summary by Date from the System tab. 

View the Enrollment Summary

  1. Navigate to the Enrollment Summary page. 
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:




    Do one of the following:

    • Choose Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity to view student ethnicity data that is used in scheduling and preconfigured reporting.
    • Choose Federal Race and Ethnicity to view displays aggregate student data as required by the Federal Ethnicity and Race Categories from the U.S. Department of Education.


    Indicate which students you want to calculate enrollment by selecting one of the following options:

    • Select All Active Enrollments to run the report for all students in the current school.
    • Select Current Selection to run the report for students in the current selection.


    Enter the date for which you want to calculate enrollments or click the Calendar icon to select a date.

    Note: If you selected Current Selection for students, this field appears shaded as it is not applicable.

    Column and row headings provide links to charts that display ethnicity information. Click a column or row heading to view enrollment by ethnicity in specific grades, overall ethnicity enrollment by grade, or total enrollment by ethnicity. Click any bar within a chart to view additional information.

    Click a total to view the list of students associated with that total organized by gender identification.

    Students are only calculated once and appear in the appropriate column based on their Federal Race and Ethnicity settings on the Demographics page. 

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