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Forms Document Attachments

It is not recommended to have both Cloud Document Attachment and SIS Document Attachment elements on the same form as it may lead to unexpected issues when the user tries to upload documents.

Cloud Document Attachments

Some forms allow users to submit documents with the form. The person filling out the form logs into the secure document management service to submit a document. Only the person who submitted the attachment and specified people at the school have access to the documents.

Users can attach documents up to 5MB each. Accepted file formats are .PDF, .RTF, .DOC, .DOCX, .PNG, .JPG, and .JPEG. The upload service disallows all other file types. Documents uploaded through Cloud Document Attachment will not attach to Student Attachments in SIS; they are stored in a secure, external server outside the SIS.

To review attachments uploaded in forms, navigate to the student and select the form or select the form response via the Response report.

Users are required to log in to the element to upload. This login is different than their PowerSchool SIS login, and for parents, it will be different from their Parent Portal login.

Administrators can enable Single Sign-On. For districts on Ecollect Forms ECO_20.1.0.0 or later, SSO can be enabled for the Parent and Student portals. When enabled, users of these portals do not need a separate Document Attachment login; they are automatically logged in using their PowerSchool Portal credentials.

To enable SSO:

  1. From the Start Page, choose System in the main menu.
  2. Under Forms Configuration, choose Single Sign-On.
  3. Select Enable Parent and Student SSO.
  4. Click Submit.

    Some browsers, by default, have security settings that prevent "cross-site" or third-party site traffic. These settings interrupt the Ecollect Forms SSO feature. Parents with browsers set this way will encounter a sign-in button and must follow the account creation process to upload documents.

To enable Cloud Document attachments:

  1. From the Start Page, choose System in the main menu.
  2. Under Forms Configuration, choose Document Attachment.
  3. Select Enable Cloud Document Attachment.
  4. Click Submit.

SIS Document Attachments


  1. SIS Document Attachment requires both PowerSchool SIS and Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express to be on version 20.11.0 or greater.
  2. SIS Document Attachment is only accessible through the Admin and Parent portals; only parents and admins can upload documents for students.
  3. All documents uploaded through SIS Document Attachment must be associated with a student. You cannot collect documents in General Survey, Teacher Individual Response, or Teacher Collaborative forms.
  4. Approval is not supported for SIS Document Attachment.

SIS Configuration

You must first configure Document Attachment settings within SIS.

  1. From the Start Page, choose District in the main menu.
  2. Under Document Attachment, choose Document Attachment Configuration.
  3. Set the attachment Size Limits.
  4. Define Categories and default permissions.

Access to the Parent Portal

Before enabling SIS Document Attachment within Forms, you need to enable document access for the parent portal.

  1. From the Start Page, choose System in the main menu.
  2. Under Security, choose Roles Administration.
  3. Choose User Access.
  4. Verify that there is at least one role that has the Use this Role for Document Attachment Parent Access in the Parent Portal selected. This is required to support document upload through the parent portal.
  5. Use the Document Attachment Categories to set role-specific document access permissions for existing document categories.
    1. Configure the document attachment categories for the user that has the Use this Role for Document Attachment Parent Access in the Parent Portal selected to update permissions for the Parent Portal.
    2. Click Ok.
  6. Click Submit.

Enable SIS Document Attachment

  1. From the Start Page, choose System in the main menu.
  2. Under Forms Configuration, choose Document Attachment.
  3. Select Enable SIS Document Attachment.
  4. Click Submit.
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