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Toolbar for Visual Scheduler

The toolbar appears at the top of the Visual Scheduler and includes the following information:

Filter Courses

You can use the Courses Filter to narrow the courses available in the Courses Panel to a specific set of courses based on term and sections remaining to be scheduled.

Note: If the Courses Filter icon (Filter by Course) appears blue, no filters are active (or no filters have been applied). If the Courses Filter icon (Edit Course) appears green, one or more filters are active (or have been applied). By default, the filter is active (or is applied), and displays only courses with unscheduled sections for all terms.

Note: If you apply a filter, those settings are retained making your personalized filter available each time you navigate back to the Visual Scheduler.

Add a Course Filter

  1. In the Courses panel, click the blue Courses Filter icon. 
  2. Use the following table to enter information as needed:




    To narrow the Courses Panel by term, do one of the following:

    • Choose the All option to view all courses. This is the default setting.
    • Choose the terms option and then select the terms you to view. Press and hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) to make multiple selections. The terms that appear are based on the scenario setup.


    To narrow the Courses Panel based sections remaining to be scheduled, do one of the following:

    • Choose the All option to view both unscheduled (courses with sections remaining to be scheduled) and scheduled (courses with no sections remaining to be scheduled) courses.
    • Choose the Unscheduled option to view only courses with sections remaining to be scheduled. This is the default setting.
  3. When you have made your selections, click Filter

Edit a Course Filter

  1. In the Courses panel, click the green Courses Filter icon. 
  2. Edit information as needed. 
  3. When you have made your selections, click Filter

Sort Courses

Using the Sort function, you can sort courses by the course name, course number, department, unscheduled sections (number of sections remaining to be scheduled), or course rank. This provides quick access to the courses you want to schedule next.

Note: If the Courses Sort icon appears blue, the sort function is using the default settings. If the Courses Sort icon appears green, the sort function is using user-defined settings.

Note: If you sort courses, those settings are retained making your personalized sort available each time you navigate back to the Visual Scheduler.

Sort Courses

  1. In the Courses panel, click the Courses Sort icon. 
  2. Use the following table to edit information as needed:



    Sort By

    Choose one of the following:

    • Course Name – Sorted by name, then by number. This is the default setting.
    • Course Number – Sorted by number, then by course name.
    • Department – Sorted by department, then by course name.
    • Unscheduled Sections – Sorted by unscheduled sections, then by number of course requests.
    • User Defined Rank – Sorted by user-defined rank, then by course name.
      Note: Courses that do not have a user defined course rank appear below courses that do have user defined course rank. This option only appears if the active scenario is a "build and load" scenario.
    • System Defined Rank – Sorted by system-defined rank, then by course name.
      Note: Courses that do not have a system defined course rank appear below courses that do have a system defined course rank. This option only appears if the active scenario is a "build and load" scenario.

    Sort Direction

    Choose one of the following:

    • Ascending – Sort in ascending order within the selected sort order.
    • Descending – Sort in descending order within the selected sort order.
  3. When you have made your selections, click Sort

Filter Sections

You can use the Sections Filter to narrow the master schedule grid to display a specific set of sections based on specified criteria.

Note: If the Sections Filter icon appears blue, no filters are active (or no filters have been applied). If the Sections Filter icon appears green, one or more filters are active (or have been applied).

Note: If you apply a filter, those settings are retained making your personalized filter available each time you navigate back to the Visual Scheduler.

Add a Section Filter

  1. On the master schedule grid, click the blue Sections Filter icon. 
  2. Click the Add Filter pop-up menu to choose the criteria by which you want to filter sections by:



    Teacher Elements

    • Teacher
    • Teacher Department

    Time Elements

    • Term
    • Period
    • Day

    Location Elements

    • Room
    • Building

    Section Elements

    • Course
    • Grade Level
    • Team
    • Section Type
    • Section Department
    • House
    • Subject Area
    • Credit Type

  3. Select the options you want to filter by.

    Note: To select multiple options, press and hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) as you click each option. If multiple options are selected, sections will appear for all options selected.

  4. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 for each filter you want to add.
    Note: If multiple filters are selected, each filter added further narrows results. When you have made your selections, click Filter. The Section Filters pop-up closes and the master schedule grid displays sections based on your selections.

Edit a Section Filter

  1. On the master schedule grid, click the green Sections Filter icon. 
  2. You can do the following:
    • Update an existing filter by making a new selection.
    • Remove a filter by clicking the x to the right of the filter.
    • Add a filter
    • Click Clear Filters to remove all filters.
  3. When you have made your selections, click Filter

Reapply a Section Filter

If you alter the master schedule grid after you have used the Sections Filter function, click Filter again to reapply the filter.

Undo and Redo

When working with the Visual Scheduler, you may want to undo something you've done. Then again, you may undo an action and then decide you need to redo that action.

Using the Undo and Redo buttons, the following actions can be modified:

  • Moving a Course from the Courses Panel to the Master Schedule Grid
  • Editing Section Information
  • Deleting a Section From the Master Schedule Grid
  • Moving a Section

Note: The Undo and Redo buttons appear shaded until an action is performed.

Note: Deleting a section from the master schedule grid using the Undo button results in all enrollment records associated with the section being permanently deleted. Using the Redo button will recreate the section, but not the enrollment records.

Note: Once you refresh the page or navigate to another page, actions cannot be undone or redone.


Using the Zoom icons you can increase the size of the master schedule grid for better readability, or decrease the size of the master schedule grid to see a high-level view of the schedule, which provides a quick way of identifying gaps in the schedule.

  1. Click – to zoom out on the master schedule grid.
    Note: When zoomed out, the text that appears in the master schedule grid no longer displays. To view section information, hover over a tile and a tooltip appears displaying the section information.
  2. Click + to zoom in on the master schedule grid.
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