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Learning Standards Management

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Learning Standards Management is a tool to centralize the learning standards that your schools use across multiple PowerSchool applications to make it easier to manage standards and pass standards grades between applications. 

The following current PowerSchool products are integrated with Learning Standards Management: 

  • PowerTeacher Pro (Controlled Availability) 
  • Performance Matters (Beta) 
  • Standards-Grade Pass back from Performance Matters to PowerTeacher Pro (Beta)

Learning Standards CSV File Requirements

  • File type is comma-separated values (.csv). 
  • File size is between 81 bytes and 100 megabytes. 
  • Column headers are included, and the headers match the field names in the following table. 
  • Values are provided for all required columns. 
  • HTML tags are not allowed. 
  • Special character strings (such as {&@!@&^!}) are not allowed. These strings can cause encoding errors. 

Field Position

Field Name

Data Type




A shortened version of the full statement. Some applications may use this value for reporting. 


The full statement of the item. This may also be referred to as the description of the item. 


A meaningful coding scheme is used to designate an item. (ex. UT.02.ELA.RF.1.a). This value must be unique. Recommended maximum of 20 characters. 

4identifieruniversally unique identifierRequired

The unique identifier for this item. The scheme can be randomly generated. It is recommended this is not a meaningful value. 


The value of the humanCodingScheme for the parent (highest-level) item in the hierarchy of the standards tree. Recommended maximum of 20 characters. This field is not required for the highest-level item.  


Order of this item within the set of items assigned to the same parent identifier. 


The grade or instructional levels associated with the item. To enter multiple values, enclose the comma-delimited list of grades within double quotation marks. For example, "09,10,11,12". 


The content area that is associated with the item. 


The type of value that is represented by the statement. Generally, refers to the terminology used by the standards issuer to indicate what the levels of a standards tree represent. For example, the type may be a standard, grade level, or domain. 


The language of the statement. For example, en for English or es for Spanish. 

Open Learning Standards Management

When Learning Standards Management is enabled, you can launch it from your PowerSchool applications. 

PowerSchool SIS

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Grading, click Standards
  3. Select List Standards.
  4. Click Manage Learning Standards.

Performance Matters

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Items, Standards Explorer.
  2. Click Learning Standards Management.

Manage Standards

Use the filter or search options to locate standards. Click on a standard to expand the structure. To view details for an item, such as the education level and associated subject, click the Actions menu (three dots) and choose View Details. 

You can publish the learning standards to any of the PowerSchool integrated products. Once published, additional tasks are required to align standards to courses, grade scales, or content.

Import Existing Standards 

Use the Import Existing Standards function to add standards that have already been created to the standards library. Some standards come directly from an integrated product, while others require a .csv standards export.  

  1. Click Add Standards. 
  2. Choose Import Existing Standards. 
  3. Select the standards source. 
  4. If your source includes .csv, click Choose File and select the standards file. 
    Otherwise, select the standards to import. 
  5. Click Import. 
  6. Click the Actions menu for that standard set and choose Publish to publish the standards to integrated products.   

Create Custom Standards 

To add custom standards to the learning standards library, create a document matching the rules for the Learning Standards CSV template. Then, import the file to add the standards to the library. 

Download the Learning Standards CSV Template 

  1. Open Learning Standards Management. 
  2. Click Add Standards. 
  3. Select Create Custom Standards. 
  4. Click the link to download the learning standards CSV template. 

Import File 

Before you import the file, verify that it meets the Learning Standards CSV file requirements. As you may have copied text from other sources, make sure to carefully check for HTML tags and special characters that may cause encoding errors. 

  1. Open Learning Standards Management. 
  2. Click Add Standards. 
  3. Select Create Custom Standards. 
  4. Click Next. 
  5. Click Choose File and select the file. 
  6. Click Import.  
  7. Click the Actions menu for that standard set and choose Publish to publish the standards to integrated products. 

The import may take a few minutes to complete. When completed, the content appears at the bottom of the list of standards. 

Edit Standards 

Export the standards to a CSV file, modify any content in the file, then import the updated CSV file.  

  1. Locate the standards to edit. 
  2. Click the Actions menu for that standard and choose Export to CSV. 
  3. Open the CSV file and modify the content. To add an item, insert a row beneath the intended highest level and enter the required information. The identifier field is required, and a Globally Unique ID (GUID) must be generated. 
  4. To import the modified CSV file, click Add Standards, then choose Import Existing Standards. 
  5. Select Learning Standards (.csv) from the Source menu. 
  6. Click Next. 
  7. Click Choose File. 
  8. Click Import to import the file. 
  9. When the import is complete, locate the standards you imported.  
  10. Click the Actions menu for that standard set and choose Publish to publish the changes to integrated products. 

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