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Quick Export Staff

Use this page to quickly export staff data for the currently selected staff members.

Note: The Quick Import page is now also accessible via Start > System > Page and Data Management > Quick Export.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a group of staff members.
  2. Click Functions
  3. Click Quick Export
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    [Export Staff]

    Enter the fields to be included on the exported spreadsheet. Enter as many fields as you want. Separate multiple fields with spaces.

    To insert a PowerSchool field into this field:

    1. Click Fields to view a list of PowerSchool fields.
    2. To narrow the list of fields, enter one or more search terms in the Filter field. Otherwise, leave blank.
    3. Click the field you want to add.

    Field Delimiter

    Choose a field delimiter from the pop-up menu. The field delimiter is the item that separates fields in the exported data. If you select Other, enter the delimiter in the blank field.

    Record Delimiter

    Choose the record delimiter from the pop-up menu. This refers to the item that will separate the records in the exported data:

    • CR: carriage return
    • CRLF: carriage return line feed
    • LF: line feed

    If you select Other, enter the delimiter in the field.

    Surround Fields

    Select the checkbox to surround the fields in the exported data with quotation marks.

    Column titles on 1st row

    Select the checkbox to include column titles on the first row of the exported data.

    Click Submit

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