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Manage Student Associations

On this page:

Managing students associated to a contact may be done when creating a contact or anytime thereafter.

View Students Associated to a Contact

  1. On the start page, search for and select a contact.
  2. Scroll to the Students section.
  3. Select Show All to show current, past, and future student associations. Past and future student associations will appear in italics.

  4. Click the student name to access their student pages.

    The following descriptions are only for fields that require special considerations.



    Original Contact Type

    The original contact this record is tied to in the original student pages. Only records with an Original Contact Type are mapped back to the original system. The Original Contact Type can be one of the following: Mother, Father, Guardian, Emergency Contact 1-3.

    Start Date

    The date from which the student association is valid.

    Note: Student associations with end dates in the past or start dates in the future will not display unless the option to Show All is selected.

    End Date

    The date at which the student association is no longer valid.

    Note: Student associations with end dates in the past or start dates in the future will not display unless the option to Show All is selected.

    Data Access

    Indicates if the contact has access to the student's data through the PowerSchool Parent portal and/or email notifications.

Edit Student Associations

When working at the school level, only student associations for the selected school are editable. To edit an existing student association, select Edit for the student you want to work with. Update the information as needed and click Submit.

Click All to view all past, current, and future contact-relationship records between the selected student and this contact. Contact-student relationship date ranges appear in chronological order. To add a new contact-student relationship record, select Add Detail and enter the required information. If the contact has Web Access, use the following table to edit information in the Data Access tab fields:



Can Access Student Data and Email

Select the checkbox if you want the contact to be able to access data in the PowerSchool Parent portal and to receive emails for this student. This option is only available if the contact has an access account.

What information would you like to receive?

Specify which information you would like to send to the parent by selecting the appropriate checkboxes:

  • Summary of Current Grades and Attendance
  • Detail Report Showing Assignment Scores for Each Class
  • Detail Report of Attendance
  • School Announcements
  • Balance Alert

Note: Users are also able to modify the information they want to receive in the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal.

Frequency of Emails

Specify the rate at which you want to send the parent the selected information:

  • Never
  • Weekly
  • Every Two Weeks
  • Monthly
  • Daily

Additional Notification Emails

If the contact has authorized the delivery of email notifications to another person, enter the other person's email. Separate multiple email addresses with commas.

Send Now

Select the checkbox to send an email immediately after submitting the page.

Restrict Parent Access

If a plugin is enabled that restricts parent access, additional checkboxes appear. Select applicable checkboxes.

Delete Student Associations

Using the Delete Student Contact Relationship function, you can delete a student contact relationship.

If a student association is removed, web access for that student will also be removed. If a student association is removed for a contact with an Original Contact Type, the contact will also be removed from the legacy student pages and fields. When working at the school level, only student associations for the selected school are deletable.

Add a Student Association

You can add a student association when creating a new contact or when editing an existing contact.

  1. On the Contact Details page, scroll to the Students section.
  2. Click Add Students.
  3. Search for the student or students.

  4. Select the student you want to associate with the contact.

  5. Designate the Relationship to Student.

  6. Select Data Access for this contact to access the student's data on the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal. The contact must have an access account for this option to be available.

  7. Click Submit.

Change Access ID and Password

Using the Delete Student Contact Relationship function, you can change the student's access ID and/or password to prevent the contact from accessing this student's information.

Note: When working at the school level, only student associations for the selected school are deletable.

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. On the Contact Details page, scroll to the Students section.
    Note: Click the arrow to expand the section. Click the arrow again to condense the section.
  3. Click the Minus icon of the student association you want to remove.
    Note:If a student does not have an existing Access ID, click Delete.
  4. Enter the new Access ID, Access Password (twice), or both.
    Note: Access IDs cannot be removed by simply removing the value and submitting this page. Access IDs may only be removed from the student Access Accounts page.
  5. Click Delete and Update Access.
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