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Invalid Requests

On this page:

The Invalid Request function provides you with the ability to evaluate all course requests for a selected group of students and identify any course requests where prerequisites have not been met. Once students with invalid course requests are identified, you can then research and reconcile those course requests. For course requests that cannot be reconciled, you can perform a number of group functions with those students, such as printing reports or form letters for those students.

To manage prerequisite overrides for individual students, see Prerequisite Overrides.

View Invalid Requests

Use the following procedure to view invalid course requests for a selected group of students.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a group of students
  2. Click the [Select Function] arrow.
  3. Under Scheduling, choose Invalid Requests
    Note: Alternatively, if you have a current selection of students, you can choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu and then click Groups Functions.
  4. Choose your Re-evaluate option.

  5. Select the school year in which you want to check for invalid requests.
  6. Specify your Courses.
  7. Click Submit.

Review the results. To research invalid course requests, see Research Invalid Requests. To override invalid course requests, see Override Invalid Requests. To edit invalid course requests, see Edit Invalid Course Requests.

Click Re-Evaluate Requests to apply updates. If you navigate away from the Invalid Request page before clicking Re-Evaluate Requests, any updates will be discarded.

Research Invalid Requests

Use the following procedure to research invalid course requests for a selected student.

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 4 of View Invalid Requests
  2. To view historical grades:
    1. Click the A+ icon. 
    2. Click View/edit in a new window to update information from the Historical Grades page or click Close.
  3. To view requests:
    1. Click the R icon. 
    2. Click View/edit in a new window to update information from the Modify Schedule - Requests page or click Close.

Override Invalid Requests

Use the following procedure to override invalid course requests for a selected student. Once an override is submitted, it will not appear as an invalid request the next time you re-evaluate requests.

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 4 of View Invalid Requests
  2. Click the O icon. 
  3. Enter any comments related to the override.
  4. Click Submit

Edit Invalid Course Requests

Use the following procedure to edit invalid course requests for a selected student.

  1. Perform Step 1 through Step 4 of View Invalid Requests
  2. Click the Pencil icon to edit the course request for the student. 
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Enter a different course number in the Course Number, and then click Submit.
    • Click View/edit in a new window to update information from the Modify Schedule - Requests page.
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