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Health Code Sets

Use the Code Sets tab on the Health Setup page to define the codes you want to appear in drop-down lists within the student Health pages. When managing health code sets, you can add, edit, sort, and delete codes with the health code sets.

  1. On the start page, choose District in the main menu.
  2. Click Health Setup.
  3. Click Code Sets.
  4. Choose the code set for which you want to add a code.
  5. Click Add Code.
  6. Enter information as needed.

    • A code is a combination of ParentCodesetID, CodeType, Code or ParentCodeType, ParentCode, CodeType, Code and must be unique.
    • Reported Value refers to the value used by State and Provincial Reporting, if populated, as an alternative to the Code value. This field can also be used when additional codes are added by the district to be sent to the state or provincial system. For example, if the state has a list of mandated languages and the district would like to add additional languages to the list, the district may do so if the ReportedValue is mapped to the state code to be reported.
    • Alt Value refers to the code that can be used to send to other systems as an alternative to Code. As an example, the code value might be "Mother", but another system might require "100".
    • Parent Code Set and Parent Code refer to the code type of the parent code set. Instead of ParentCodeSetID, a code set can specify its parent by ParentCodeType and ParentCode. For example, if a code set (CodeSetID, CodeType, Code) exists for California state (292, State, CA) and you want to import a County, such Sacramento, as a child code set for California state code set, then a new code set can be imported using ParentCodeType = State, ParentCode = CA, CodeType = County, Code = Sacramento or ParentCodeSetID = 292, CodeType = County, Code = Sacramento. If both parent code set and child code set are being imported in the same import file, parent code set must be placed before child code set in the import file.
  7. Click Submit.

Health Code Sets

The following is a list of the system-defined health code sets:

PageCode SetMenuDatabase Field
Office Visits

VisitTypeVisit TypeHealthOfficeVisit.VisitType
ScreenerProvider TypeHealthOfficeVisit.ScreenerType
ReasonVisit ReasonHealthOfficeVisit.VisitReason
InjuryTypeInjury TypeHealthOfficeVisit.InjuryType
PartBody Part InjuredHealthOfficeVisit.BodyPartInjured
SettingAccident SettingHealthOfficeVisit.AccidentSetting
OutcomeVisit Outcome/ActionHealthOfficeVisit.VisitOutcome

BloodGlucoseLevelBlood GlucoseHealthStudDiabetesMonitor.BloodGlucoseLevel
UrineKetonesUrine KetonesHealthStudDiabetesMonitor.UrineKetonesID


High/Low TreatmentHealthStudTreatmentAssoc.HealthTreatmentCodeID
MonitoringMonitoring TypeHealthStudMonitor.MonitoringType
Health PlansHealthPlanStatusStatusHealthStudentPlan.Status

Medication FrequencyFrequencyHealthMedication.MedicationFrequencyCodeSetID
ReasonPrimary Reason for GivingHealthMedication.ReasonForTaking
Medication Category
Medication DoseDoseStatStatusHealthMedAdmin.AdministrationStatus
Medication InventoryInventory Actions

Uses ALT2 value that indicates whether or not the defined action should add inventory, subtract inventory, or do nothing (no action).

Health ConcernsConcernHealth ConcernHealthConcerns.HealthConcern
Contact Log

MedicaidMedicaid CodeHealthContactLog.MedicaidCode
ReferrerReferred ByHealthContactLog.ReferredBy
OtherInsuranceType of Health InsuranceHealthMisc.Health_Type
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