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Use the Activities function to view and manipulate extracurricular activities on two different levels. Add or delete an activity from an individual record. Alternatively, add or delete an activity from the PowerSchool system that can be applied to any or all records.

Manage Activities on a Student Record

This action adds or deletes an activity to a specific student record. It affects the selected student only.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a a student
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Activities from the student pages menu. 
  3. Select activities to add to the student's record. Deselect any activities to remove them from the student's record.
  4. Click Submit.

Student Functions

Use the Functions link to perform various important actions to an individual student record.

Perform Student Functions

  1. On the start page, search for and select a a student
  2. Under Enrollment. choose Functions from the student pages menu. 
  3. Use the following table to perform various student function:



    Print Reports For This Student

    Use this option to print a report. For more information, see Run, Print, and Save Reports.

    Transfer Out Of School

    Use this option to transfer students out of your school. For more information, see Transfer Students.

    Re-Enroll In School

    Use this option to reenroll a student in your school after he or she has left. For more information, see Reenroll in School.

    Transfer To Another School

    Use this option to transfer a student to another school after you have transferred the student out of your school. For more information, see Transfer Students.

    Enroll Student in Remote/Summer School Class

    Use this option to enroll a student in a remote/summer school class. For more information, see Enroll a Student in a Remote/Summer School Class.

    Create New School Enrollment

    Use this option to create a new school enrollment record without transferring the student in or out of school. For more information, see Create a New School Enrollment.

    On-Screen Transaction Report

    Use this option to access a view-only page of the student's meal account activities. For additional information on serving meals and account maintenance, see PowerLunch.

    Recalculate Lunch Balance

    Use this option to recalculate a student's meal account balance. For additional information on serving meals and account maintenance, see PowerLunch.

    Note: To avoid students' current and running balances not matching, be sure to import last year's lunch balances into the Current Balance field ([Student]Balance1) instead of the running balance field ([Student]Balance2). If one student's current and running balances do not match, use Direct Database Access to modify the current balance to match the running balance. Alternatively, use the Recalculate Lunch Balances function to match all students' current balances with their running balances. For more information, see Direct Database Export and Special Operations.

    Enroll New Student Living in the Same Household

    Use this option to enroll a new student by copying information from an existing student record. For more information, see Enroll a New Student Living in the Same Household.

Transfer Information

This page displays the student's history of transfers into and out of your school. Use the Transfer Info function for viewing or editing information that was previously entered through the Functions page. Do not use this page to transfer a student. For instructions on transferring students, see Transfer Students .

You can add, edit, or delete entry codes and exit codes from the student pages menu. For more information about an alternative method for adding, editing, or deleting these codes, see Entry Codes and Exit Codes. You can also edit the options in the District of Residence pop-up menu. For more information, see Districts of Residence.

Note: Field level security may be used to restrict this information on the Transfer Information page (with the exception of C_REENROLLMENTSOUTOFDISTRICT.DISTRICTNAME, C_REENROLLMENTSOUTOFDISTRICT.SCHOOLNAME, and REENROLLMENTS.SCHOOLID). For more information, see Field Level Security.

View Transfer Information

  1. On the start page, search for and select a a student
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Transfer Info from the student pages menu. 

    The resulting page displays the student's current enrollment information at the top. The student's previous enrollment information appears next. The columns show the date the student entered a school, an exit date if the student left, the student's grade level when the transfer occurred, any entry or exit comments made by the administrator who completed the transfer, and the school from which the student exited. If a blank chart appears on the page, the selected student has not transferred into or out of your school.

Edit Enrollment Information

Perform this action to change the enrollment record of an individual student.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a a student
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Transfer Info from the student pages menu. 
  3. Click the entry date of the record you want to edit. 
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
    Note: Fields vary slightly from the Edit Current Enrollment to the Edit Previous Enrollment page.



    Entry Date

    Enter the date the student was enrolled using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

    Entry Code

    Choose a reason for the transfer from the pop-up menu.

    Entry Comment

    Enter any comments related to the entry transfer.

    Exit Date

    Enter the exit date, which is the first day the student's enrollment is not active or the day after the student transferred out. Use the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

    Exit Code

    Choose a reason for the transfer from the pop-up menu.

    Exit Comment

    Enter any comments related to the exit transfer.

    Full-Time Equivalency

    FTE is a grouping that associates a student's school enrollment with a set of attendance conversion values. When ADA runs, for a student, it runs for each school enrollment during the report dates. When processing each school enrollment, it uses the student's FTE to locate the set of attendance conversions to use when looking up the attendance value for the day. For more information, see Full-Time Equivalencies.
    Choose the student's FTE from the pop-up menu for this school enrollment.

    Grade Level

    Choose the student's grade level at the time of the transfer from the pop-up menu.


    Choose the student's track from the pop-up menu. For more information, see Calendar Setup.

    District of Residence

    Choose the district in which the student lives from the pop-up menu. For more information, see Districts of Residence.

  5. Click Submit

  6. Note: When you edit an enrollment record, the enrollment is validated before saving. An alert appears if there are any problems, such as blank field values.

Add a Transfer Code

Create a new entry or exit code on the PowerSchool system. Anyone who manages student transfers can apply this code to any student.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a a student
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Transfer Info from the student pages menu. 
  3. Click the entry date of any record. 
  4. Click Entry Code or Exit Code, depending on your needs. 
  5. Click New
  6. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:




    Enter the code.


    Enter a description of the code.

    Sort Order

    Enter the sort order of the exit code as it appears in pop-up menu on the student pages.

  7. Click Submit. Any authorized user can apply the new code to any student transferring into or out of your school.

Edit a Transfer Code

Any changes you make to a code will affect everyone who manages transfers. You may want to discuss changes with other users before making them.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a a student
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Transfer Info from the student pages menu. 
  3. Click the entry date of any record. 
  4. Click Entry Code or Exit Code, depending on your needs. 
  5. Click the code or the meaning of the code you want to edit. 
  6. Edit the information as needed. For field descriptions, see Add a Transfer Code.
  7. Click Submit. Any authorized user can apply the edited code to any student transferring into or out of your school.

Delete a Transfer Code

Any changes you make to a code affects everyone who manages transfers. You may want to discuss changes with other users before making them. For information about deleting transfer information for previous student enrollments, see Delete Enrollment Records.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a a student
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Transfer Info from the student pages menu. 
  3. Click the entry date of any record. 
  4. Click Entry Code or Exit Code, depending on your needs. 
  5. Click the code or the meaning of the code you want to delete. 
  6. Click Delete.
  7. Click Confirm Delete

View Change History Details for Edit Current Enrollment Page

If Change History is enabled, the Change History link appears at the top of the page. Click the link to view the Change History Details for that page.

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