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Student Programs Enrollment

On this page:

Students who are identified for Student Programs may be enrolled in the program either individually or en masse.  

Note: Prior to 10.1.1, when adding a student to a program, a value of 0 was stored in the SpEnrollments.ID column. Now, a unique numeric value is stored in that column. To generate a unique ID for SpEnrollments records with ID = 0, run the Set Student Program Enrollment ID function via Special Operations. No code or password is required to run it.

Enroll a Student in a Student Program

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student.
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Student Programs
  3. Click New
  4. If needed, enter any notes related to the student's participation in the program.
  5. Enter the date the student entered the program for the Entry Date.
  6. Enter the first day the student was not active in the program for the Exit Date.
  7. Enter the code that describes why the students exited the program.
  8. Select the Program.
  9. Click Submit
  10. Click Back.
  11. To verify that you’ve enrolled the student into the program, click Student Programs in the navigation menu on the left. 

Update a Student's Student Program Enrollment

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student.
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Student Programs
  3. Click the student's entry date for the program you want to edit. 
  4. Edit information as needed.
  5. Click Submit

Unenroll a Student from Student Programs

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student.
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Student Programs
  3. Click the student's entry date for the program you want to delete. 
  4. Click Delete to delete the student from the program.

Mass Enroll Students in Student Programs

  1. On the start page, search for and select a group of students.
  2. Click Select By Hand.
  3. Deselect the checkbox in the header row to deselect all students.
  4. Select the checkbox next to each student you want to work with.
  5. Click Update Selection.
  6. Click the [Select Function] arrow and choose Mass Enroll Student Programs
    Note: Alternatively, if you have a current selection of students, you can choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu and then click Groups Functions.
  7. Choose the program into which you want to enroll the selected students.
  8. Enter the Entry Date.
  9. Enter the Exit Date.
  10. Enter the Exit Code
  11. Enter any comments related to the student's participation in the program. The comment appears on the Student Programs student page for each student.
  12. Click Submit

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