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Print Staff Mailing Labels

Print mailing labels for the currently selected staff members. Set up the mailing label layouts for staff from the same area as the student mailing labels. For more information, see Mailing Labels.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a group of staff members.
  2. Click Functions
  3. Click Print Mailing Labels.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Print Mailing Labels For

    Select an option to indicate the staff members for whom the report will be run, if necessary.

    Use this mailing label layout

    Choose a mailing label layout from the pop-up menu. Click mailing label layout to view, add, or edit a mailing label layout. For more information about mailing label layouts, see Add a Mailing Label Layout.

    How Many Pages?

    Select an option to indicate the number of pages to print.

    When to print

    Select a time to run the report:

    • ASAP: Execute immediately.
    • At Night: Execute during the next evening.
    • On Weekend: Execute during the next weekend.
    • On Specific Date/Time: Execute on the date and time specified in the following fields.
  5. Click Submit. Review it from beginning to end to verify that the formatting and content are correct.
    Note: If you are ready to print the labels, see Run, Print, and Save Reports.
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