Class Functions - Assets and Textbooks
View Assigned Assets and Textbooks
- From the main navigation menu, choose Class.
- Under Class Functions, choose Assets and Textbooks.
- Choose a class from the class selector.
- Use the Basic Filter to display students to whom assets and textbooks have been assigned. Checkmarks indicate the assets or textbooks checked out to each student.
- Choose an asset or textbook.
- Enter 1 in the search field to filter students to whom the asset or textbook is checked out.
- Enter 0 in the search field to filter for students to whom the asset or textbook is not checked out.
- Choose an assigned asset or textbook to view more details.
Check Out Assets and Textbooks
- From the main navigation menu, choose Class.
- Under Class Functions, choose Assets and Textbooks.
- Choose a class from the class selector.
- Choose a student, then click Check In/Out.
- Scan or enter the Asset Tag found on the asset or textbook.
- Choose the Condition When Checked Out.
- Optionally, enter any relevant Notes for the item.
Check In Assets and Textooks
- From the main navigation menu, choose Class.
- Under Class Functions, choose Assets and Textbooks.
- Choose a class from the class selector.
- Choose a student, then click Check In/Out.
- Scan or enter the Asset Tag found on the asset or textbook.
- Choose the Condition When Returned.
Optionally, enter any relevant Notes for the item.