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Traditional Grade Calculations

Use this page to define traditional grade calculations for PowerTeacher Pro. You must have the necessary permissions to make adjustments to the calculations set by the district. Checkmarks indicate the calculation formula criteria that your permissions allow you to change. Refer to Grade Calculation Types for more information.

When the Category Weighting Grade is calculated, the decimal points of the percentages are rounded even if it is set to calculate to two decimal places.

  1. From the main navigation menu, choose Settings, then Traditional Grade Calculations.
  2. Select the class.
  3. Click Edit for the specific term. A lock icon indicates that the term is locked and you cannot modify the grade calculations for that term.
  4. On the Formula tab, select the calculation type, attribute, and weight. Use weight values that equal a total of 100 percent in the Percent columns. If enabled, you can set Specific Weights for standards.
  5. Optionally, click the plus icon to add a type or the minus icon to remove a type.
  6. To calculate the overall class grade using the formula, select Calculate Overall Class Grade.
  7. On the Drop Low Scores tab, select low scores to drop from the calculation.
  8. Click Save.

Specific Weights for Standards

You can define specific weights for standards grades if the administrator has granted you the necessary security permissions.

If the Specific Weights attribute is selected for Standards Weighting, the Specific Weights tab displays the weights that are applied to the selected formula. The tab displays the course's standards, the weighting of the standard, and the percentage of the standards grade based on the weight entered. You can clear all of the weight values, or select Revert to Default to automatically enter the weight values set by the district.

Revert to Default Grade Calculation Formula

If you changed the default grade calculation formula set by the school or district, you can click Revert to Default in the class heading to revert to the default setting. If the button is not available, the default settings have not been modified.

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