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Grade Calculation Types

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Use calculation formula sets to define the final grade calculation methods. These methods determine how you want students' assignment scores to count towards their final grades for traditional or standards grades.

Choose whether you want to calculate the students' final grades using total points, term weighting, standards weighting, or category weighting. You can combine calculation methods for different reporting terms, such as total points for Q1 and Q2, and term weighting for S1.

Total Points

Use the total points method to calculate a student's final grade by dividing the points earned for the class by the number of points possible. Using this option, a student might earn 1250 points out of a total of 1600 points possible, which converts to 78%, and a grade is determined from the cutoff percentage defined in the grade scale.

Term Weighting

Use the term weighting method to calculate a student's final grade using grades from shorter reporting terms. For example, you can calculate the S1 grade based on the final grades for Q1 and Q2. In this scenario, you would enter 40% for Q1 and 60% for Q2. Each percentage is a weight used to determine how the shorter term contributes to the final grade.

If you select Exact Value Earned, the calculation uses the student's calculated percent (Alpha Scales) or numeric value (Numeric Scales) from the reporting term.

If you select Term Weighting Points, the student's calculated grade for the reporting term is mapped to the Term Weighting Point defined in the grade scale.

The list only includes reporting terms encompassed by the selected reporting term. This option will not be available if the chosen reporting term does not encompass other reporting terms. For example, in most instances, you can use quarters to calculate semester grades.

Standards Weighting

You must use standards weighting to have a standards final grade count in the course final grade for a reporting term. Use the standards weighting method to calculate a student's course final grade based on final grades from the standards aligned to the course. Set up standards weighting similar to how you set up term weighting by defining the percentage that is the weight used to determine how the standards grades contribute to the final grade. For example, you might calculate the S1 final grade based on 40% of the standards grades from Q1 and 60% of the standards grades from Q2. Using Standards Weighting with attributes of Specific Weights and Specific Sum requires that PowerSchool administrators configure weights for specific standards for each course on the Course Settings page.

The PowerSchool administrator determines certain weight settings, such as Specific Weights and Specific Sum.

Category Weighting

When you calculate the Category Weighting Grade, the decimal points of percentages are rounded, regardless of the setting to calculate to two decimal places.

Categories are broad classifications for assignments, such as homework and tests. Use the category weighting method to calculate a student's final grade using assignment categories. Assign a weight to each category to determine how it contributes to the final grade. The rounded percentage the student earns for each category is multiplied by the weight. The sum of the weighted percentage values calculates the final grade. For example, you can use the categories Homework, Tests, and Final Project, and assign each the respective weights 20, 40, and 40. You do not have to include all of the categories in the final grade calculation. For example, if you do not want to include scores from the Quizzes category, then you do not need to add that category to the calculation.

Mixed Weighting

You can select a combination of the previously mentioned calculation types within a single reporting term to produce a grade that is the weighted average of their respective grade values.

When you mix calculation types, scores are possibly double-counted. PowerTeacher Pro will double-count scores if the calculation is defined in a manner to do so. For example, if a calculation is defined using Total Points and Categories, any assignment that is part of the defined category will have the score double-counted within the calculation.

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