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Getting started frequently asked questions

Is my information safe in Permission Click? 

Your information is safe and secure in Permission Click. 

Permission Click is dedicated to the ongoing privacy and assurance of your personal information. We have developed and maintained a world-class system infrastructure to ensure your data is private, secure and available when you need it.

Permission Click’s efforts to help ensure data security 

  • Permission Click is deployed on Microsoft Azure to provide your district and schools with industry-leading security.

  • Permission Click uses AES - 256-bit encryption, the highest encryption standard. 

  • We host data in a local ISO 27001 & ISO/IEC 27018 certified SAS70 Type II, SSAE 16 facility.

  • We are a PCI Level 1 Compliant Payment Processing Solution, the highest compliance level to protect the security of credit card data and cardholder data.

  • We comply with: Canadian Evident Act, U.S. ESIGN Act, The Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), and PIPEDA.

Will you read form responses or use my contacts?

Permission Click will not read or use any of your information, including respondent’s personal information, forms, responses, or reports.

You can add recipients to your Permission Click forms from your student roster (such as SIS or LMS), staff roster (such as Microsoft Active Directory), CSV files, and pasting data directly. Permission Click will never send emails, notifications or forms to any of your contacts without your authorization. 

Will Permission Click work for my School/District? How customizable is Permission Click?

Permission Click was built from the ground up specifically for K12 districts. 

For more information, you can also email us at with any questions you might have.

You can also browse Permission Click's case studies to see how we have met the needs of schools, and school districts across the US, Canada, and internationally.

Does Permission Click integrate with the other tools I’m using?

Permission Click integrates with third-party tools, including most school information systems (SIS) and Microsoft Active Directory, and Google for single-sign-on (SSO). Our technology team would be pleased to connect with your district to investigate custom integrations.

What can I report on in Permission Click?

Permission Click includes a wide range of system-generated standard reports, while also giving you the flexibility to build custom reports that include information sets collected in your forms. 

You can review the Permission Click Feature Sheet.pdf for your product edition.

Can I copy/paste or import student, or guardian lists from my school information system (SIS), a spreadsheet/excel, etc to create a form sending roster?

You can use Permission Click's recipient manager to import recipients from your SIS, LSM, Active Directory, or from a spreadsheet. Check out our Send A Form article for more details and step-by-step instructions.

Does Permission Click have a mobile app?

Permission Click’s forms are built to support the greatest level of accessibility for your district to collect responses from your parent base.  The architecture used by Permission Click works smoothly, predictably, and swiftly for parents across multiple devices and browsers without the need for extra software or a mobile app.

Web-based technologies are flexible and powerful, and advancing quickly in capability, which means almost anything being sought to accomplish in a mobile application can be accomplished in a web-based application.  

Does Permission Click have bulk emailing/sending capabilities? 

You have the ability to bulk email your forms after building your roster from our "Recipients Manager". With one "click" emails are sent to all recipients in your list at once. You have the option to send a single email or bulk email for reminders to complete the form or provide a payment.

Additionally, you can send reminder notifications to one or multiple (bulk) recipients in the list to help remind users to complete forms or payments.

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