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Run reports

Learn more about your students' activity in Naviance for Elementary using the reports.

  1. From Your Users Overview on your dashboard, select Run Reports from the Actions list.

    Alternatively, click Management from the main navigation menu, then select Users from the list.
  2. Use the search tools to find the users for whom you want to include data in the report.
  3. In the footer navigation menu, choose a report from the Run a report list.

    Navigate to a user's profile to generate a Portfolio Summary Report that details the user's activities completed in the system. 
  4. Review the report data.
    • Hover over table headers or data points for more information.
    • Use the options to save or download if available.
    • Click the close icon to return to the Users dashboard.

Report nameData

Assignment Status Report

For a selected assignment, the number of students assigned the lesson, the number of assignments completed or approved, and more.

Utilization Report

The number of logins or creations and the most popular occupations and colleges over the last 30 days.

Up The Ladder Report

Employee levels, number of occupations and pathways liked, and more for Explorers' most recent game.
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