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Manage College Profiles

All intersect customers can edit their institution's basic information. Intersect customers with an Awareness subscription can:

Complete this form to get more information about an Awareness subscription.

Basic Info

Manage key information about your institution such as admissions, costs, student life, and more. The information populates your institution's college profile in Naviance Student which is available to students and their parents from 6th grade to 12th grade.

  1. From the homepage, click Update on the College Profile tile.

  2. From Edit Your Profile, select a category to edit.

    Edit category by category and publish as you go. If you navigate away from a category before publishing your changes, changes will not be saved.
  3. Select a Basic Info category.
  4. Edit the information.
  5. Click Publish My Information Changes.
Basic Info Category NameDescription
OverviewShare important details about your institution by including an opening statement, a link to your institution's website, your institution's enrollment numbers, campus surroundings, contact information, and more.
StudiesAdd graduation and retention rates, top areas of study, study options, and more.
Student LifeShare student demographic information and details about campus services, resources, organizations, and athletics.

Manage your institution's acceptance rates and share policies, deadlines, fees, and application requirements.

Deadlines that your institution submits through Common App automatically populate your college profile. Make changes to these deadlines from Common App, not from Intersect.
CostsManage attendance cost details including average net prices, percentage of students receiving aid, and the average amount of aid received per student.
Transfer InfoShare information for transfer students such as links to your transfer website, application requirements, articulation agreements, scholarship availability, and more. The information is available in Camino, a direct-to-student platform that supports transfer students throughout the transfer process, including finding and connecting with best-fit institutions.


Add an introduction to your college profile beyond the Opening Statement.

If adding an Intro to your college profile, you do not need to include an Opening Statement. The Intro overrides any content in the Opening Statement category.
  1. From the homepage, click Update on the College Profile tile.

  2. From Edit Your Profile, select the About Us category.

  3. Add a headline, quote, information, or optional photo.

  4. Click Preview And Continue Editing to review your changes.
  5. Click Publish Intro Changes.


Manage the logo, photos, and videos included in your institution's college profile.

  1. From the homepage, click Update on the College Profile tile.

  2. From Edit Your Profile, select a category.

    1. Choose an image to upload or drag the image to the dialog box.
    2. Use the image cropper to crop and move the logo to the desired position in the tile.
    3. Click Preview and Continue Editing to review your changes.
    4. Click Publish My Media Changes.

Photos and Videos

    1. From the homepage, click Update on the College Profile tile.

    2. From Edit Your Profile, select the Photos and Videos category.

    3. Select a tile, then choose a media type. For previously added photos or videos, use the option to edit or replace them.

      The media gallery allows up to 31 photos or videos. Photos must be a .jpg or .png less than 20 MB and can be cropped after upload. Videos must be a YouTube or Vimeo URL. Captions of 280 characters or less can be included for each photo or video. 

      If your institution has an enhanced profile and offers a YouVisit tour, the tour will be available on your school's main profile page in Naviance, below the current media gallery. Tours are added automatically so you do not no need to upload a link on your profile.

    4. Click Next to include an optional caption.
    5. Click Next again to add the photo.
    6. If adding a video, enter the URL, then click Next to add the video.
    7. Repeat steps d to f, as needed.
    8. Click Preview And Continue Editing Your Profile to review your changes.
    9. Click Publish My Media Changes.

      If using Advanced Awareness, the College Match card in Naviance Student displays the first image in your gallery.

Links and Spotlights

Provide students with access to key websites managed by your institution and create spotlights highlighting your current students, alumni, faculty, and academic programs.

  1. From the homepage, click Update on the College Profile tile.

  2. From Edit Your Profile, select the Links category to:

    1. Enter a Communicate or Apply Online URL in the corresponding field with or without www.
    2. To add Learn More links, click Create A New Link. Enter the URL, with or without www, and title, then click Add Link.
    3. Click Publish My Links and Spotlights Changes.

      A total of 12 links are available - 1 Request Information, 1 Apply Online, and 10 Learn More custom links of your choosing.
    1. To remove an Apply Online or Communicate link, delete the URL. To delete a custom link, click Remove for the corresponding link.
    2. Click Publish My Links and Spotlights Changes.

Add Spotlights

    1. Select Spotlights, then click Create a New Spotlight.
    2. Choose the spotlight type you would like to create, then click Next.
    3. Enter the Spotlight information.
    4. Click Preview and Continue Editing.
    5. Click Publish My Links and Spotlights Changes.

Edit Spotlights

    1. Select the spotlight to edit.
    2. Edit the information.
    3. Click Preview and Continue Editing.
    4. Click Publish My Links and Spotlights Changes.

Delete Spotlights

    1. Select the spotlight to delete.
    2. Click Delete Spotlight.
    3. From the dialog box, click Delete.
    4. Click Publish My Links and Spotlights Changes.

Preview Your College Profile

  1. Navigate to the Naviance College Profile tile on the Intersect homepage, then click Update.
  2. Review your institution's college profile or edit your institution's profile information.

Preview Other College Profiles

  1. Navigate to the Counselor Community tile on the Intersect homepage, then click Explore.
  2. Select the Institution tab.
  3. Use the Advanced Search tool to search for an institution.
  4. Click the institution's name, then click View Naviance College Profile.
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