Letter builder
Use the letter builder to create unlimited cover, thank you, and generic business letters.
Create a letter
Select I want to from the main navigation menu.
From Activities, choose Letter Builder.
Click Create New Letter.
Enter a name, select a type, and then click Create Letter.
Indicate if you have information for each letter section.
Enter the requested information and click create.
From Progress, select the information category.
Click Add to Letter for the selected entry.
Click Proceed to Next Section.
Repeat steps five to nine until complete.
Click View Letter.
Edit a letter
Select I want to from the main navigation menu.
From Activities, choose Letter Builder.
Click the letter name.
From the letter details:
Click the add icon to enter new information.
Click the edit icon to edit information.
Click the remove or delete icons to delete information.
Click Back to Letter.
Rename a letter
Select I want to from the main navigation menu.
From Activities, choose Letter Builder.
Click the edit icon for the selected letter.
Enter a new Letter Title and click Rename.
Delete a letter
Select I want to from the main navigation menu.
From Activities, choose Letter Builder.
Click the delete icon for the selected letter.
Click OK to confirm the letter deletion.
Change the letter format
Select I want to from the main navigation menu.
From Activities, choose Letter Builder.
Select the letter name.
From the Select Format list, choose Create New Format. Alternatively, choose the current format and then select a predefined format from the list.
Enter or select the format details.
Click Create Format.
Print or download a letter
Select I want to from the main navigation menu.
From Activities, choose choose Letter Builder.
Select the letter name.
Click Download as Word or Print as PDF.