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MyPowerHub Integration

MyPowerHub is a persona-based experience centralizing and unifying data and workflows across PowerSchool products. Enrollment’s form workflows for existing students are now integrated into MyPowerHub for the parent persona and guardian persona.

District administrators can configure which Enrollment forms should be displayed as available forms to start within MyPowerHub. Those forms along with any in-progress and submitted forms are displayed in MyPowerHub through the context of the selected student.

Forms are presented to parents based on different attributes (form status, academic year, form name, Enrollment form, or Enrollment Express/Ecollect form) on the Overview and Forms pages. The Overview page shows up to 5 forms at a time depending on the sort order. The Forms page shows all forms listed in two tabs: To Do and Complete. For more information, read the Forms in MyPowerHub section.

Parents can search for forms, view form statuses, start new forms, continue in-progress forms, view submitted forms, update submitted forms, and pay outstanding balances on submitted forms. Clicking on a form from MyPowerHub opens Enrollment into a new tab with a PowerSchool branded header containing a “back button”. Closing this tab returns them to MyPowerHub if that MyPowerHub tab is still open. Parents who try to open more than one Enrollment form from within MyPowerHub will be presented with a “Cannot Open Another Form” message.

In doing so, parents are seamlessly authenticated into linked Enrollment accounts through an SSO process. This SSO process functions with any IdP that supports the OIDC protocol, including Microsoft, Google, and PowerSchool SIS. As part of this SSO process, PowerSchool SIS parent accounts that share access to the same student record in PowerSchool SIS also share that student within their Enrollment accounts, allowing these parents to collaborate on forms for the same student. Appointments, recommendations, checklists, and admission decisions are also shared between accounts for the same student record.

Enrollment’s form workflows for new students and appointment, recommendation, checklist, and admissions decision workflows are not currently integrated into MyPowerHub.

Integration into MyPowerHub requires some initial configuration by PowerSchool Enrollment Support.


  1. Configure integration between Enrollment and MyPowerHub - performed by PowerSchool Enrollment Specialists.
  2. Configure and enable Parent OIDC SSO - performed by either school or district administrators or PowerSchool Enrollment Specialists.
  3. Optionally, configure Student Type at the form level - performed by PowerSchool Enrollment Specialists.
  4. Optionally, configure Available Forms - performed by either school or district administrators or PowerSchool Enrollment Specialists.
  5. Optionally, configure Guardian Restrictions in PowerSchool SIS - performed by school or district administrators.
  6. Optionally, configure Approval Status at the form level - performed by PowerSchool Enrollment Specialists.


The authentication of a parent account as part of the MyPowerHub - Enrollment workflows leverage a parent persona-focused OIDC (OpenID Connect) SSO (single sign-on) process.

This parent OIDC SSO process can only be used as part of the MyPowerHub integration, that is, it is not available for use as part of the PowerSchool SIS or eSchoolPlus parent SSO processes.

This is a generic implementation of OIDC SSO, meaning that it is not built to function with any specific IdPs (identity providers) but instead is built to function with any IdP that supports the OIDC protocol.

If using an IdP other than PowerSchool SIS, the school or district would need to configure their IdP to support Enrollment as a relying party.

It is expected that most, if not all, schools or districts will use PowerSchool SIS as the IdP for MyPowerHub. Thus it is expected that most, if not all, schools or districts will use PowerSchool SIS as the IdP for Enrollment as part of the MyPowerHub integration as well.

PowerSchool SIS as IdP

For Enrollment to leverage PowerSchool SIS as the IdP, the school or district must be on PowerSchool SIS v23.11.0.0+.

To retrieve the relevant configuration details from PowerSchool SIS:

  1. Sign in to the SIS administrator portal.
  2. Go to System Management, Server, Server Setup, and then select Plugin Configuration.
  3. Select the PowerSchool Registration Signature plugin.
  4. Go to Data Provider Configuration.
  5. Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret.
  6. Take note of the base SIS URL (that is, the URL in the address bar up until "/admin").
  7. Set the Resource Server Base URL based on the base URL the school or district uses to access Enrollment (it will default to the US1 URL) and click Submit
    1. US1:
    2. US2:
    3. CAN:


Enrollment customer configurations exist within one of three environments: US1, US2, or CAN. For a customer to sign into Enrollment, they must navigate to the correct URL (for example, and then sign in.

Parent OIDC SSO Configuration

An SSO tab is available on the Configuration - General page of the Enrollment administrator portal. This is only available to school or district administrators with the Configuration role.

Selecting Edit Configuration will enter edit mode for the page. Configure parent OIDC SSO, using the following details from the IdP:

  1. Enter the Issuer URL.
  2. Enter the Client ID.
  3. Enter the Client Secret.
  4. Enter the Global Identifier Claim.
    • If using PowerSchool SIS, Microsoft, or Google as the IdP, enter the value indicated in the note text; else, get this value from the IdP.
  5. Enter the Scopes.
    • If using PowerSchool SIS, Microsoft, or Google as the IdP, enter the value indicated in the note text; else, get this value from the IdP.
  6. Enable Parent SSO.
  7. Click Save.

The following validation is enforced:

  • Regardless of whether Parent SSO is enabled or disabled:
    • Issue URL must be a valid URL.
    • Issuer URL must use https.
  • Given Parent SSO is enabled:
    • Issuer URL is required.
    • Client ID is required.
    • Client Secret is required.
    • Global Identifier Claim is required.
    • Scopes is required.
  • Given Parent SSO is enabled and given there are no other validation issues:
    • Issuer URL must be valid.
      Upon attempted Save, the Issuer URL validity is validated via the IdP's discovery endpoint.

Student Type

The form-level Student Type setting is configured by PowerSchool Enrollment Specialists.

Public and Restricted forms support the configuration of this setting:

  • New - form is intended only for new students.
  • Existing - form is intended only for existing students.
  • New and Existing - form is intended for both new and existing students.

Private and Year-Round Update forms are assumed to be Existing student forms.

Only Existing and New and Existing forms (that is, forms intended for existing students) are shown as available forms to start in MyPowerHub at this point.

Available Forms

Available Forms tab is included in the Configuration - General page of the Enrollment administrator portal. This is only available to school or district administrators with the Configuration role.

The Available Forms setting, in conjunction with the form-level Student Type setting, controls which forms are shown as available forms to start in MyPowerHub. It does not control what in-progress or submitted forms are shown in MyPowerHub. All in-progress forms are shown in MyPowerHub as long as the form is Open or Scheduled (Open). All submitted forms are shown in MyPowerHub at all times.

The Available Forms setting defaults to Automatic (All Forms). When set to Automatic (All Forms), all existing student forms (Public, Restricted, Private, Year-Round Update) for the school or district that are currently Open or Scheduled (Open) and that are not already in-progress or submitted for the student are shown as available forms to start in MyPowerHub, that is, as forms in the Not Started status.

When set to Manual (Custom Selection), the user can manually select the subset of forms to be shown. When this option is selected, the subset of selected forms for existing students that are currently Open or Scheduled (Open) and that are not already in-progress or submitted for the student are shown as available forms to start in MyPowerHub, that is, as forms in the Not Started status.

When set to None, no forms are shown as available forms to start in MyPowerHub.

Configure which forms should be shown as available forms to start in MyPowerHub:

  1. Select Edit.
  2. Select either None, Automatic (All Forms), or Manual (Custom Selection).
  3. If Manual (Custom Selection), select a subset of forms.
  4. Click Save.

Given the Available Forms setting defaults to Automatic (All Forms), this configuration is optional.

Guardian Restrictions

The PowerSchool SIS guardian restriction plugin capability built into the pre-installed PowerSchool Registration Signature plugin is leveraged in the integration with MyPowerHub. In rare scenarios where an estranged parent or guardian should not be able to access or update sensitive data about the student or any other parent or guardian related to the student, the web access account of the parent or guardian can be restricted from the PowerSchool Registration Signature plugin in the context of the student. When restricted, no Enrollment forms are shown in MyPowerHub to the restricted web access account in the context of the student.

To restrict a parent's or guardian's access:

  1. Go to the Contact Detail page in PowerSchool SIS.
  2. Select the Edit icon related to the relationship between this contact and the student.
  3. Go to the Data Access tab.
  4. Within the Restrict Parent Access section, select PowerSchool Registration Signature.
  5. Click Submit.


  1. Go to the student's Contact Management page in PowerSchool SIS.
  2. Select the Edit icon related to the relationship between this contact and the student.
  3. Go to the Data Access tab.
  4. Within the Restrict Parent Access section, select PowerSchool Registration Signature.
  5. Click Submit.

Approval Status

The form-level Approval Status setting is configured by PowerSchool Enrollment Specialists. By default, submitted forms are communicated to parents in MyPowerHub with the status of Submitted. Optionally, the Approval Status setting can be configured to communicate the approval status of submissions to parents in MyPowerHub.

  • When enabled, submissions in the Pending Approval state and submissions not yet imported into the Submission Workspace are communicated with a status of Pending Review in MyPowerHub.
  • When enabled, submissions in the Approved state are communicated with a status of Approved in MyPowerHub, along with the latest approval date.
  • When enabled, submissions in the Discarded state are still communicated with a status of Submitted in MyPowerHub.

Forms in MyPowerHub

Overview Page

The Overview page shows up to 5 forms at a time. The subset of 5 forms shown is dependent on the following sort order:

  • Primary sort order: form status

    • Rejected

    • Started (In Progress)

    • Not Started (New)

    • Pending Review (Pending Approval)

    • Submitted & Approved (considered together)

  • Secondary sort order: academic year

    • Ascending order - shows earliest years followed by latest years

      • For example: 2022, then 2022-2023, then 2023, then 2023-2024, and so on.

    • Forms with empty academic years (either Enrollment forms or Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms forms) 

  • Tertiary sort order: form name

    • Alphabetical, ascending order

Selecting a form link from the Overview page takes the user to that form in a new tab or window.

  • Selecting a form link for a Not Started form starts that form and brings the user to the appropriate initial page depending on the form type.

  • Selecting a Started form continues that form and brings the user to the last saved page within that form.

  • Selecting a Submitted, Pending Review, Rejected, or Approved form brings the user to the submission confirmation page of that form.

  • Selecting the More Forms link takes the user to the Forms page.

Forms Page

The Forms page shows all forms divided into the To Do and Complete tabs. Within each tab, the forms are divided by product: Enrollment Forms subsection (that is, forms from Enrollment), Other Forms subsection (that is, forms from Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms). The Enrollment Forms are displayed as independent forms, whereas the Other Forms are displayed as forms grouped within packets.

  • Given the customer, parent, and/or selected student only has access to one of the products but not both (that is, Enrollment or Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms), these subsection headers are not shown.

  • Given the customer, parent, and selected student has access to both products (i.e., Enrollment and Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms), these subsection headers are shown.

    • If the tab (that is, To Do or Complete) has forms to show related to a particular product (that is, Enrollment or Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms), the subsection header for that product is shown.

    • If the tab (that is, To Do or Complete) does not have forms related to a particular product (that is, Enrollment or Enrollment Express/Ecollect Forms), the subsection header for that product is not shown.

The To Do tab shows forms in the following sort order:

  • Primary sort order: form status

    • Rejected

    • Started (In Progress)

    • Not Started (New)

    • Pending Review (Pending Approval)

  • Secondary sort order: academic year

    • Ascending order - shows earliest years followed by latest years

      • For example: 2022, then 2022-2023, then 2023, then 2023-2024, and so on.

    • Forms with empty academic years 

  • Tertiary sort order: form name

    • Alphabetical, ascending order

Selecting a form link from the Overview page takes the user to that form in a new tab or window.

  • Selecting a form link for a Not Started form starts that form and brings the user to the appropriate initial page depending on the form type.

  • Selecting a Started form continues that form and brings the user to the last saved page within that form.

  • Selecting a Pending Review or Rejected form brings the user to the submission confirmation page of that form.

    • If a Rejected or Pending Review form has an outstanding balance, the More (ellipsis) icon is displayed with its list menu containing a Pay Outstanding Balance option. Selecting this option opens the Payment page within that form in a new tab or window.

    • If a Rejected or Pending Review form requires the parent to submit an update, the More (ellipsis) icon is displayed with its list menu containing an Edit Form option. Selecting this option initiates an update to the submission and opens the first page within that form in a new tab or window.

The Complete tab shows forms in the Submitted and Approved statuses with the following sort order:

  • Primary sort order: submitted / last updated date

    • Submission date is used if a submission update has never been performed

    • Last updated date is used if at least one submission update has been performed

    • Descending order - shows most recent followed by least recent

  • Secondary sort order: form name

    • Alphabetical, ascending order

Selecting a form link from the Overview page takes the user to that form in a new tab or window.

  • Selecting a Submitted or Approved form brings the user to the submission confirmation page of that form.

    • If a Submitted or Approved form has an outstanding balance, the More (ellipsis) icon is displayed with its list menu containing a Pay Outstanding Balance option. Selecting this option opens the Payment page within that form in a new tab or window.

    • If a Submitted or Approved form requires the parent to submit an update, the More (ellipsis) icon is displayed with its list menu containing an Edit Form option. Selecting this option initiates an update to the submission and opens the first page within that form in a new tab or window.

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