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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 09/06/2024.

New Features

Product Area


MyPowerHub Integration

MyPowerHub is a persona-based experience centralizing and unifying data and workflows across PowerSchool products. Enrollment’s form workflows for existing students are now integrated into MyPowerHub for the parent-persona and guardian-persona.

District administrators can configure which Enrollment forms should be displayed as available forms to start within MyPowerHub. Those forms along with any in-progress and submitted forms are displayed in MyPowerHub through the context of the selected student.

Parents can search for forms, view form statuses, start new forms, continue in-progress forms, view submitted forms, update submitted forms, and pay outstanding balances on submitted forms.

In doing so, parents are seamlessly authenticated into linked Enrollment accounts through a new SSO process. This new SSO process functions with any IdP that supports the OIDC protocol, including Microsoft, Google, and PowerSchool SIS. As part of this new SSO process, PowerSchool SIS parent accounts that share access to the same student record in PowerSchool SIS also share that student within their Enrollment accounts, allowing these parents to collaborate on forms for the same student.

Enrollment’s form workflows for new students and appointment, recommendation, checklist, and admissions decision workflows are not currently integrated into MyPowerHub.

Integration into MyPowerHub requires some initial configuration by PowerSchool Enrollment Support.

Create Submission Records via File Import

Enrollment supports the ability to create records in the Submission Workspace through the use of the Create Records via Import task. This process is supported for Public and Restricted forms.

This task can be used to create submission records in Enrollment that originated from an external source, so that those submissions can be managed centrally alongside other records that originated from the traditional form submission process in Enrollment.

This task validates form field names, list items, checkbox values, maximum length, and format validation, and enforces that a minimal set of data (student first name, student last name) is provided. This task does not enforce the satisfaction of required fields nor complex scenario validation and does allow inserting data into conditionally and statically hidden fields.

Creating submission records through this task triggers all of the standard downstream processes (if configured or enabled): auto-import, auto-polish, auto-tagging rules, auto-address verification, calculated fields, submission notifications to administrators, and so on. The exception is that this task does not trigger submission confirmation emails sent to parents.

This task supports the import of CSV files, and limits the the number of rows per file to 100.

Submission updates by parents on form submissions created through this task are supported for Public forms but not Restricted forms.

This task is available to users with the new Create Records via Import permission.

School Choice Communication Log

The School Choice Workspace’s preexisting email history has been transformed into a comprehensive communication log, including emails and letters. This communication log provides a more detailed and inclusive record of all communications related to students in the School Choice Workspace.

The communication log is accessed using the same icon as the preexisting email history, and is now present in the Students view and the seating unit detail page. This icon is now present regardless of whether there is any communication history for the student or not.

The communication log is displayed as a table, including When, By, Type, and Description, displaying entries in chronological descending order. Emails sent by the system (either automated or manually triggered) have a type of System Email. Letters generated by the system (only manually triggered) has a type of System Letter.

Only users with the new View Communication Log or Manage Communication Log permission are able to access the communication log. If there was previously no permission related to the email history, all users with prior access to the School Choice Workspace automatically have the new View Communication Log permission.

The communication log can be exported to a CSV file. This export can be accessed from the main School Choice Workspace page and the seating unit detail page. Only users with the new Export Communication Log permission are able to export the communication log.

Log Custom School Choice Communication Events

Administrative users can log custom communication events in the new School Choice Communication Log for communications and interactions that occur outside of PowerSchool Enrollment (for example, phone call, text message, in-person, and so on), ensuring the communication log contains a comprehensive record of relevant communications.

When viewing the communication log, you can create new communication events. When creating an event, you must enter the date and time of the communication, a communication type, and a comment. The available communication types are determined by the list items defined in a Predefined List. The selection of which Predefined List is used must be performed by PowerSchool Enrollment Support.

When viewing the communication log, you can delete custom communication events. When deleting an event, you must enter a comment describing the reason for deletion.

Only users with the new Manage Communication Log permission can create and delete custom communication events.

The creation and deletion of custom communication events are logged in the audit log.


Product Area


Already Accepted Deadline Timeframe

The Seat Acceptance Deadline feature can now apply a different deadline timeframe when a student has already accepted an offered seat for a different choice. The definition of this different Already Accepted Deadline Timeframe must be performed by PowerSchool Enrollment Support.

A new TOKEN:SeatAcceptanceAlreadyAcceptedDeadlineTimeframe token is available within the School Choice Workspace email and letter templates that display the Already Accepted Deadline Timeframe in days.

Communicate Form Approval Status to Parents

A new Approval Status setting is introduced and when enabled, communicates the approval status of form submissions on the Family Portal dashboard. If a form submission is in Pending Approval, it’s status is communicated as Pending Review. If a form submission is Approved, its status is communicated as Approved along with the latest approval date.

This setting is configured by PowerSchool Enrollment Support on a form-by-form basis.

Configuration of Available Forms in eSchoolPlus HAC in New Location

The configuration of the available forms to display in eSchoolPlus HAC is now present on the Available Forms tab on the General page within the Configuration menu.

Letter Generation Recorded in Audit Log

Letters generated from the School Choice Workspace are now recorded in the School Choice Workspace’s audit log.

Send Email Task in Submission Record Detail View

The Send Email task is now available to be performed directly from the submission record detail view in the Submission Workspace.

Upgrade to Smarty's Autocomplete Pro API

The Address Suggestion feature now leverages Smarty’s Autocomplete Pro API, which is more likely to suggest valid addresses, often suggests the correct address in fewer keystrokes, and better handles street suffixes, apartment numbers, and alternate city names.

View/Interact with All Waitlists and Removed Lists for Associated Seated List

When an individual seated list has multiple sets of associated waitlists and removed lists, all sets of associated waitlists and removed lists can be viewed simultaneously while viewing the seated list. This All option is now selected by default when viewing the seated list's seating unit. The Change seating unit function on the seating unit detail page can be used to select this All option or an individual set of waitlists and removed lists. The actions performed on the seating unit detail page impact all records currently being viewed on the page.

To maintain readability, when at least one seated list has multiple sets of associated waitlists and removed lists, a plural seating unit level name can be defined which is used in the name of this All option. The definition of this plural seating unit level name must be configured by PowerSchool Enrollment Support.

Resolved Issues

Product Area


Admin - Matching PowerSchool SIS One-to-Many Student Extensions Using Date Data Types

When One-to-Many student extensions' match criteria included a column with a data type of date, the appropriate matching record within the extension would not be auto-matched and a match could not be manually set. This occurred if the delivery value was not in an ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD). This has been resolved. The delivery value is now converted from a string to a date and compared as a date.

Admin - Updating Roster Record's Contact Email Field Sometimes Shows Error

An error message was displayed when updating a contact’s email field within a Roster record that was also defined within the Email Recipient Field Mappings (for example, c1_Email, c2_Email, and so on). This has been resolved.

Parent - Unable to update submission created via API for Public-level forms containing payment

When a Public form is configured with online payment and given a submission record is created via API, if a parent reaccessed that submission (for example, using Parent Submission Update) and selected the Next button, they were taken to the Payment page. If the parent attempted to make an online payment, they were shown an error and were prevented from resubmitting the form. This has been resolved. Parents attempting to reaccess and resubmit forms in this scenario are now shown the No Payment Due content.

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