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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 06/14/2024.

New Feature

Product Area


Create Submission Records through API

Enrollment supports the ability to create records in the Submission Workspace through the use of a POST /submission endpoint within the Enrollment API. This process is supported for Public and Restricted forms.

This endpoint can be used to create submission records in Enrollment that originated from an external source, so that those submissions can be managed centrally alongside other records that originated from the traditional form submission process in Enrollment.

This endpoint validates form field names, list items, checkbox values, maximum length, and format validation, and enforces that a minimal set of data (student first name, student last name) is provided. This endpoint does not enforce the satisfaction of required fields nor complex scenario validation and does allow inserting data into conditionally and statically hidden fields.

Creating submission records through this endpoint triggers all of the standard downstream processes (if configured or enabled): auto-import, auto-polish, auto-tagging rules, auto-address verification, calculated fields, submission notifications to admins, and so on. The exception is that this endpoint does not trigger submission confirmation emails sent to parents.

Submission updates by parents on form submissions created through this endpoint are supported for Public forms but not Restricted forms.

Use of the Enrollment API requires an API Key which must be generated and provided by PowerSchool Enrollment Support. Use of this POST /submission endpoint requires a new permission associated with an API Key which must be assigned by PowerSchool Enrollment Support.


Product Area


Data Delivery of PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress

Data delivery configuration and processing support the ability to map and deliver the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress property for Restricted and Private forms. For the purpose of data delivery, the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress property results in a single email address associated with the parent account responsible for submitting the form. If this parent account is a cell phone account, or an anonymous SSO account, or in the PendingEmailVerification status, the PROP:UserAccountEmailAddress property results in an empty string.

Scheduled Jobs Automatically Disabled for Prior Years' Forms

Scheduled jobs and automated recurring emails associated with prior years' forms are automatically disabled at runtime to reduce unneeded processing and improve system performance. Prior years are determined through a comparison of the current date and the form’s associated Academic Year. For example, if today’s date is June 14, 2024, jobs associated with forms with Academic Years on or before 2022-2023 or 2023 will be disabled, whereas jobs associated with forms with Academic Years in the “present” or “future” (for example, 2023-2024, 2024, or later) will continue to run as normal. An empty Academic Year is considered in the "present".

Resolved Issues

Product Area


Admin - Poor Performance Authenticating into Admin Portal

When logging into the Admin Portal, there was a significant increase in initial page load time compared to historical performance. This issue was particularly pronounced when numerous forms were present for the school or district. This has been resolved.

The initial page load performance has been improved by 50 to 75 percent.

Admin & Parent - Appointment Emails Sometimes Not Sent to Parents or Resources

When the “From” address of an appointment email used the syntax: “$Name <$Email>” (for example, PowerSchool Enrollment <>), the system considered this an invalid email address and did not send the related emails. This has been resolved.

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