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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 12/13/2024.


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Optionally Consider Empty Addresses When Matching Contacts in PowerSchool SIS

An Ignore Address Component of Contact Matching when Address Not Present option is included in the PowerSchool SIS integration when Enhanced Matching Criteria is enabled. The status of this configuration option determines how the contact matching process will behave for contacts who have empty address records.

When selected, the system will return contacts who match on First Name initial, split Last Name(s), and the first set of integers in an Address (the system will also continue to return additional contacts who also match the email address(es) followed by additional contacts who also match on phone numbers). If the address data is empty in one or both of the contact records, the system will still return contacts who match on First Name initial and split Last Name(s).

By contrast, when not selected, the system requires non-empty and matching addresses between contact records, otherwise, it will not consider the contact to be a potential match unless other criteria, like email or phone, are met.

Regardless of the new configuration option’s setting, the system will only evaluate the contact’s address within SIS if the address’s End Date is empty or in the future. Requires PowerSchool SIS v24.12+.

PS SIS Enhanced Contact Matching on Last Name

When Enhanced Match Criteria is enabled for PowerSchool SIS delivery configurations, the contact matching workflow now evaluates an exact match for the Last Name component, splitting last names into spaces and hyphens.

For example, "Wu-Johnson" is split into "Wu" and "Johnson," and "Ortega Wu-Johnson" is split into "Ortega," "Wu," and "Johnson."

For a contact to be included in the match results, in addition to the contact’s First Name initial, the contact must also have an exact match on at least one of the split last names between the delivery record and the SIS record. This behavior applies to batch load, match window, clear match processes, and various data delivery workflows like 'Deliver Now', scheduled deliveries, and YRU deliveries. Requires PowerSchool SIS v24.12+.

Submission Workspace Matching Match Window Columns

The Submission Workspace Matching match window now includes the Grade and School columns, while the Prefix and Nickname columns have been removed. Requires PowerSchool SIS v24.12+.

PS SIS Enhanced Contact Matching on Address Line 1

When Enhanced Match Criteria is enabled for PowerSchool SIS delivery configurations, the contact matching workflow now requires an exact match on the first full integer (primary street number) in the address. This applies to batch load, match window, and clear match processes. For example, 405 Oak Rd matches 405 Oak Rd Apt 7 but not 4056 Broadway Ave or 10 High St Apt 405. This behavior is also applied to Deliver Now, scheduled data delivery, and both manual and automated YRU data deliveries. Requires PowerSchool SIS v24.12+.

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