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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 11/17/2023.


Product Area


Enrollment Cap Parameters Displays Cap Percentages and Counts

The Enrollment Cap Parameters feature calculates and displays the cap percentages and counts. The following is shown at the top of the seated list: Enrollment Caps - Priority Code (Cap%, Cap#; Actual%, Actual#) = $CappedCode1 ($Cap%1, $Cap#1; $Actual%1, $Actual#1), $CappedCode2 ($Cap%2, $Cap#2; $Actual%2, $Actual#2), ... $CappedCodeN ($Cap%N, $Cap#N; $Actual%N, $Actual#N)

  • Priority Code is the priority code being capped

  • Cap% is the defined percentage at which the priority code is being capped

  • Cap# is the count of seats at which the priority code is being capped due to the defined Cap%

  • Actual% is the actual percentage of seats attributed to the capped priority code

  • Actual# is the actual count of seats attributed to the capped priority code

Example: Enrollment Caps - Priority Code (Cap%, Cap#; Actual%, Actual#) = 1 (15%, 12; 15%, 12), 2 (30%, 24; 26%, 21), 3 (25%, 20; 34%, 27)

Enrollment Cap Parameters Maintain Original Priority Codes

The Enrollment Cap Parameters feature can optionally maintain the original priority codes while still assigning and leveraging fallback codes. Upon hitting a cap, any choices with that capped priority code not yet placed retain their original priority code and are assigned the defined fallback code. When processing a priority code, any choices with that priority code and any choices with that fallback code are processed.

When a choice is assigned a fallback code, both the original priority code and the fallback code are displayed. On the seating unit detail page, this is displayed as $ChoiceNumber ($PriorityCode, $FallbackCode). In the Students view and in exports, this is displayed as $PriorityCode ($FallbackCode). In the Students view, staff can either search by the priority code or the priority code + the fallback code.

Uploaded Documents Viewable Online Prior to Download

When selecting an uploaded document on a roster or submission record detail screen, the following file types are opened directly in the browser in a new tab or window instead of automatically being downloaded: BMP, GIF, JPG/JPEG, PDF, and PNG. When viewing the file in the browser, the file can be downloaded using the browser’s standard download functions.

The following file types are still automatically downloaded: DOC/DOCX, TXT/RTF, and XLS/XLSX.

This behavior is supported at the minimum in major browsers including Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge.

Resolved Issues

Product Area


Admin - Enrollment Cap Parameters Midpoint Rounding

When calculating the seat count to be capped for each capped priority code, the rounding of values ending in 0.5 was inconsistently handled. If the preceding value was odd, values ending in 0.5 were appropriately rounded up. If the preceding value was even, values ending in 0.5 were rounded down. This issue has been resolved. All values ending in 0.5 round-up.

Admin - Enrollment Cap Parameters Regenerating Random Numbers

When processing a lottery with capped priority codes, the system regenerated random numbers for each choice at the onset of processing each priority code, including for those choices already placed, resulting in misleading yet still accurate results. This issue has been resolved. Random numbers are no longer regenerated when using Enrollment Cap Parameters.

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