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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 5/20/2022.


Product AreaDescription

Delivery Review Screen Usability Improvements

The delivery review screen was improved to properly align values and fields within a row and to correct input fields shifting up or down when entering and exiting Edit mode.

Record Detail Linked List Improvements

Linked lists are now supported within Roster and Submission record detail pages and Quick View dialogs.

When editing a value in a field that references another field, only the values related to the value in the referenced field are available as options and none of the values are duplicated. For example, only elementary schools display in the school field when the grade field is set to Kindergarten.

When editing a value in a field that is referenced by another field, if the new value does not support the value in the field referencing this field, the field referencing this value is cleared and you are alerted of this change through a confirmation prompt. For example, a selected elementary school is cleared out after changing the grade from Kindergarten to 9. Note that the confirmation prompt is not displayed when making such a change in Quick View.

Submission Workspace Matching Reset Match Status Moved to Background Job

The Reset Match Status task for Submission Workspace matching was changed to a background job. A standard background job processing and results dialog appears during and after the job. Once a record’s match status has been reset, the match option is displayed instead of a match orb related to the prior match status.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaDescription

Admin – Duplicate Scheduled Job Errors

After a scheduled job ran to import data from a SIS to a Roster Workspace, the scheduled job history showed errors indicating each student was skipped multiple times, even when the student was not skipped. This issue was resolved.

Admin – Memory Leaks Leading to High CPU Utilization

The Export job had memory leaks leading to spikes in CPU utilization. This issue was resolved.

Admin – Submission Workspace Matching Dialog Issues

The content of the Match Record and Reset Match Status dialogs used in Submission Workspace matching did not align properly in the dialog windows. This issue was resolved. In addition, the dialog title and content were updated for clarity.

Admin – Submission Workspace Matching Match Record Task Not Functioning

When a user used the Match Record task from the Tasks menu in the Submission Workspace, the task did not execute against the selected recordset, and the user was redirected to a separate confirmation page. This issue was resolved.

In addition, the Match Record task was changed to a background job. A standard background job processing and results dialog appears during and after the job.

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