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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 11/18/2022.

New Feature

Update Submissions

Parents can now re-access previously submitted forms and submit updates to data.

Parents are allowed reentry into previous submissions if:

  • The form is still open.
  • The submission is not currently in a delivery batch.
  • The submission has not yet been sent to a SIS.
  • The submission has not yet been imported into the School Choice Workspace.

Optionally, parents can be prevented from reentry if the submission has been approved.

Parents can re-access previously submitted forms through links on the dashboard, the Submission Confirmation page, or within the body of emails, including the Submission Confirmation email or any custom Submission Workspace email.

When re-accessing a Restricted or Private form submission, the parent must sign into the same account used to submit the form originally. When re-accessing a Public form submission, the parent must provide a 6-character access code and the student’s date of birth. The 6-character access code is displayed on the Submission Confirmation page and can also be included in emails.

The resubmission of a form triggers Submission Confirmation and Submission Notification emails, data polish rules, auto-tagging rules, and calculated fields. Tags unrelated to auto-tagging rules, notes, the original submission date and time, and preexisting field-level change history are retained upon resubmission. Resubmissions are tracked in each record’s submission history and changes to data are tracked in the field-level change history. If the submission had already been approved, resubmission resets the record to Pending Approval.

Resubmitting a previous submission must be completed in one sitting. Re-accessing a previous submission will always load the data from the latest submission record.

This feature can be used in isolation or in conjunction with the Reject Submissions feature.

Enabling this feature is optional and must be performed by PowerSchool Enrollment Support.

Reject Submissions

School and district staff can now reject form submissions. When doing so, they are required to provide a rejection reason, which is sent to the parent via email. Only submission records in Pending Approval status can be rejected.

Once rejected, the submission record’s status is updated to Rejected. A new Rejected default view in the Submission Workspace contains all rejected submissions.

When a submission is rejected, parents can re-access the previously submitted form and submit updates to data. They can access the rejected form submission through links on the dashboard, the Submission Confirmation page, or within the body of emails, including the Rejection email or any custom Submission Workspace email.

When re-accessing a Restricted or Private form submission, the parent must sign into the same account used to submit the form originally. When re-accessing a Public form submission, the parent must provide a 6-character access code and the student’s date of birth. This 6-character access code can be included in emails.

The resubmission of a form triggers Submission Confirmation and Submission Notification emails, data polish rules, auto-tagging rules, and calculated fields. Tags unrelated to auto-tagging rules, notes, the original submission date and time, and preexisting field-level change history are retained upon resubmission. Resubmissions are tracked in each record’s submission history and changes to data are tracked in the field-level change history. Resubmitting a rejected form submission sets the record back to Pending Approval.

Optionally, school and district staff can manually un-reject a submission to reset it to Pending Approval. Rejecting a submission, un-rejecting a submission, and a parent resubmitting a rejected form are all tracked in the Approval/Rejection history.

Resubmitting a previous submission must be completed in one sitting. Re-accessing a previous submission will always load the data from the latest submission record.

This feature can be used in isolation or in conjunction with the Update Submissions feature.

Enabling this feature is optional and must be performed by PowerSchool Enrollment Support.

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