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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 06/18/2021.




Admin - Matching Contacts in PowerSchool SIS by Web Access Account

A PowerSchool SIS contact record’s associated web access account email is now considered when locating potential matches for contacts by email address using the Enhanced Match Criteria. Requires PowerSchool SIS v21.4.1.0+.

Admin - Matching Contacts in PowerSchool SIS without Addresses

If the contact in PowerSchool Enrollment does not have any address data or if the contact record in PowerSchool SIS does not have any linked address records, the address component of the Enhanced Match Criteria is ignored, allowing for potential matches to be identified purely by name. Requires PowerSchool SIS v21.4.1.0+.

Parent - Vanco Payment ReceiptIf using a Vanco payment gateway, when a parent submits an online payment transaction, the parent receives an itemized receipt from Vanco.

Resolved Issues

Product Area


Admin - Address Start Dates in PowerSchool SISWhen updating a contact record in PowerSchool SIS, the Start Date for each of the contact’s preexisting addresses is updated to be the current date. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Form Configurations Reset

If the Form Builder has been enabled and then disabled previously, when reenabling the Form Builder after further form configuration changes have been made, the form sometimes reverts back to a prior configuration state. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Invalid Cached Access Token for PowerSchool SIS

If an access token for PowerSchool SIS OAuth authentication is invalid and cached, the API connection between PowerSchool SIS and PowerSchool Enrollment ceases to function and a valid access token cannot be retrieved. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Move to Submitted

The Move to Submitted section is shown at all times within Roster record detail pages, allowing administrators to update a roster record’s status to Submitted without there yet being a submission record. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Sending Documents to PowerSchool SIS for PASI

When sending documents to PowerSchool SIS along with PASI (Provincial Approach to Student Information, Alberta) metadata, errors are encountered and the documents are not successfully sent. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Student ID Auto-Generation Overwriting Provided IDsWhen using Student ID Auto-Generation, if an ID is manually provided for a record, the provided ID is overwritten with an auto-generated ID. This issue is now resolved.
Parent - Invoice Item Calculation for In-Progress FormsIf an online payment was attempted and failed and the form was not submitted, when the parent revisits the Payment page of the form to reattempt payment and submission, the invoice items saved upon the initial submission attempt are reused. This issue is now resolved, and the invoice items are recalculated based on the current data items and the current date/time.
Parent - Invoice Item Calculation for Submitted FormsIf an online payment was attempted and failed but the form was still submitted, when the parent re-accesses the Payment page of the form to reattempt payment, the invoice items are recalculated based on the current data items and the current date/time. This issue is now resolved, and the invoice items saved upon form submission are now used.
Parent - Localized Form Name Rendered as HTMLThe form name, on the page asking parents if they wish to import data from another submission or start from scratch, is rendered as HTML when viewing the page in various non-English languages that contain certain special characters, like Vietnamese or Russian. This issue is now resolved.
Parent - Mailto LinksHTML anchor tags within form content that contain mailto syntax have their entire href attribute removed, rendering the link useless. This issue is now resolved.
Parent - Result Notification & Decision Response School NameThe school name associated with a lottery result within the School Choice Result Notification & Decision Response feature is sometimes empty. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - School Locator Returning Invalid Results

If there are multiple School Locator data sets with the same name, School Locator uses the data set with the lowest ID when interpreting inputs and determining zoned schools, potentially yielding invalid results. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - School Locator Validation

If the parent has previously provided valid grade and address data into the form and already used School Locator to identify a zoned school, if the parent alters a grade or address value that should result in a different School Locator outcome and then navigates directly to the Summary page of the form without first losing focus from the altered input, the parent is able to submit the form without reprocessing School Locator, potentially yielding invalid results. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Submitting Payment on Android

If the parent is using an Android device, and if either the device’s or the browser’s native culture is set to a culture that uses commas instead of decimals in monetary amounts, the incorrect total amount will be shown and charged. This issue is now resolved.

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