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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 05/14/2021.

New Features



PowerSchool SIS Health Integration

PowerSchool Enrollment can integrate with the HealthConcerns, HealthMedication, HealthMisc, and HealthStudentHealth core tables in PowerSchool SIS; along with any core or custom 1-to-1 extension off of the HealthConcerns, HealthMedication, and HealthMisc tables. Data within these tables and extensions can be read and pre-populated into roster records and/or forms. Form submission data can be written to these tables and extensions, including matching to and updating records, along with creating new records.

Requires configuration by PowerSchool Enrollment Support and PowerSchool SIS v21.4.0.0+.


Product Area


PowerSchool SIS Contact MatchingThe number of API calls made in the contact matching process during delivery batch creation with PowerSchool SIS is now reduced, greatly improving the overall performance of delivery batch creation.
PowerSchool SIS Document Delivery

The number of API calls made in the document delivery integration with PowerSchool SIS is now reduced, improving the overall performance of the data delivery workflow when documents are included.

Student Record Views

The performance of loading Roster and Submission student record views is greatly improved.

Resolved Issues

Product Area


Admin - Automatic Removal from Waitlist Not Working

Given that a lottery is configured with available seats at different hierarchical levels, if a seat is accepted, a waitlist placement is not moved to the Removed list. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Data Sent to eSchoolPlus SIS when Not Configured to be Delivered

When an eSchoolPlus SIS integration configuration contains an Ethnicity Code field or Hispanic Code field but is disabled, the data within that field is still sent to eSchoolPlus SIS. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Duplicate External Student ID Generation

Occasionally, given External Student ID Auto Generation is being used and multiple submission records are created simultaneously, the auto-generated External Student IDs are still being duplicated. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Submission Accepted with Expired Credit Card

Rarely, when a parent attempts to submit a form with payment using an expired credit/debit card, the payment is unsuccessful but the form is still submitted. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Vanco Error Messages Not Displayed

When an error is encountered processing a payment transaction with Vanco, the error message is not always displayed to the parent on the form. This issue is now resolved.

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