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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 4/16/2021.

New Features

PowerSchool SIS Student Contacts Extensions Integration

PowerSchool Enrollment can integrate with any core or custom 1-to-1 extension off any student contacts-related core table in PowerSchool SIS. Data within these extensions can be read and pre-populated into roster records and/or forms. Form submission data can be written to these extensions, including matching to and updating extension records along with creating new extension records.

This feature requires configuration by PowerSchool Enrollment Support and PowerSchool SIS v20.11.3.0+.


Performance Editing Record Fields

The performance entering edit mode and saving changes within Roster and Submission record fields in detail view and the quick view is improved.

Specify Student Status in Aeries SIS

When creating and enrolling a new student record in Aeries SIS, the student status can be specified in the “TG” field as either blank (Active) or “*” (Pre-Registered). This student status is respected when enrolling the student in Aeries SIS. If the “TG” field is excluded, the student is enrolled as Pre-Registered.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaDescription
Admin - Deliver All RecordsWhen using the Deliver All Records option within a Year-Round Update delivery batch, the records are not delivered and an error appears. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Expressions Within Configuration RulesWhen saving an expression with an "OR" separating multiple Groups, the "OR" is changed to an "AND", impacting expressions within Rules, Approval Criteria, Tags, and Views. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Raw HTML in Record FieldsCertain special characters are saved as raw HTML when editing fields within Roster and Submission records. This issue is now resolved.
Parent - Localized LinksIf a localized form link is embedded in an external web page such as a school or district website, when a parent clicks the link the PowerSchool Enrollment page displays in English instead of the specified language. This issue is now resolved.
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