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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 11/19/2021.

New Features

eSchoolPlus SIS Document Integration

Documents uploaded by parents or administrative users to File Upload and Hidden File Upload fields can be attached to student records in eSchoolPlus SIS through the standard data delivery process.

Each document is retained within PowerSchool Enrollment's document storage and a reference to the document is sent to eSchoolPlus SIS along with the document metadata. The document is displayed within the Student Attachments dialog for a student in eSchoolPlus SIS. When downloaded from eSchoolPlus SIS, the file is retrieved on-demand from PowerSchool Enrollment via API.

The file name, category, and attachment date and time can be sent along with the document as metadata. Each document appears in eSchoolPlus SIS as attached by the _apienrollment user.

Two matching options are available with the integration:

  • The Automatic matching option automatically matches documents by the ID of the document within PowerSchool Enrollment to ensure that no document is duplicated on the student in eSchoolPlus SIS.
  • The Manual matching option automatically matches documents by the ID of the document within PowerSchool Enrollment as well, but if no exact match is found on the document ID, the system searches for potential matches based on an exact match on Category. With this option enabled, the match status of the document appears in the standard data delivery workflow, with grey indicating no match, yellow indicating potential matches, and green indicating a match. The match window for the document displays the potential matches for the document; you can select a match or no match. Each potential match must be resolved before delivery.

When a document is not matched, the document is newly attached to the student record in eSchoolPlus SIS along with its metadata.

When a document is matched to a document in eSchoolPlus SIS and the document IDs match, the document metadata can be updated. If the document IDs do not match, the document in eSchoolPlus SIS can be replaced with the document sent from PowerSchool Enrollment along with its metadata. If the document IDs match, the documents are the exact same file.

This integration requires configuration by PowerSchool Enrollment Support, eSchoolPlus SIS v21.4.15.0+, and the use of the student attachments feature in eSchoolPlus SIS.

Open Seat Indicators

Visual indicators can be displayed throughout the School Choice Workspace to make it easier for school and district staff to identify what seating units have seats that can be filled.

With a new "View Open Seat Indicators" School Choice permission assigned, a new “Seats to be Filled” section appears in the School Choice Workspace listing the schools containing seating units where there is at least one available seat on a seated list and at least one student’s choice on a related waitlist.

Only the seating units the user has access to – based on their assigned permission rules – are displayed. After selecting a school, you are brought to a related seating unit where a seat can be filled.

Orange chair icons are displayed within the Seated List / Waitlist page sub-titles and the “Change” seating unit dialogues, informing the user contextually where there are seats that can be filled while navigating throughout the School Choice Workspace.


Product AreaDescription
Admin - Seated List / Waitlist NavigationThe school value within the sub-title on the Seated List / Waitlist page within the School Choice Workspace was changed into a button. When selecting the button, a Change dialog allows you to easily navigate between schools.
Admin - Submission History 

When viewing a submission record in the Submission Workspace, a new Submitted section displays the name on the parent account responsible for the submission as well as the date and time of submission. If the form was not submitted within an account, the parent’s name is not displayed. If the administrative user has the Family Account Management role, the parent’s name is displayed as a link that takes the user to the parent’s account page.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaDescription
Admin - Tagging Rules DeletedWhen a user used the self-service tools to delete an existing tag that had a rule attached to it, any existing tagging rules used to update a field on the form based on a rule were deleted. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Health Data Not MatchingWhen a user created a delivery batch where a PowerSchool SIS Document schema was above any PowerSchool SIS Health schema, the health schema did not go through the matching process. This issue was resolved.
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