PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 9/11/2020.
New Features
Feature | Description |
Family Portal Element Spacing | The element margins and input heights in the Family Portal have been reduced. Parents can now see more content on a page at once, allowing them to better remember the context of each input and fill out the forms more quickly and efficiently due to reduced need to scroll. |
Family Portal Input Visibility | The input borders in the Family Portal have been darkened. Parents with poor visibility or poor screen resolution can more easily see each input, improving the overall ease of use. |
File Upload Restrictions | File Upload and Hidden File Upload fields now have a limited list of supported file types. There were previously no file type limitations. The supported file types include: .doc, .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .xls, .xlsx, .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. Within each File Upload and Hidden File Upload field, the supported file types can be further limited through configuration. The list of supported file types for a particular field is now displayed within the file upload window for both parents and administrative users. The user's browser will inherently limit what files are available to be selected. However, if the user chooses to browse all files on their device instead of the custom list of supported files, and if the user selects an unsupported file, the file will not be able to be uploaded and a validation message will be displayed. |
Self-Service File Upload Restrictions | Within the Form Builder, administrative users can configure the supported file types for each File Upload and Hidden File Upload field. The available options include: DOC / DOCX, PDF, TXT / RTF, XLS / XLSX, BMP, GIF, JPG / JPEG, and PNG. Newly added File Upload and Hidden File Upload Fields will by default support all of the supported file types. All preexisting File Upload and Hidden File Upload fields will by default support all of the supported file types. Each File Upload and Hidden File Upload field must support at least one file type. If no file types are configured to be supported, the user will be unable to preview or publish the form. |
PowerSchool SIS Document Integration | Documents uploaded by parents or administrative users to File Upload and Hidden File Upload fields can be attached to student records in the PowerSchool SIS through the standard data delivery process. Each document is retained within PowerSchool Enrollment's document storage and a reference to the document is sent to the PowerSchool SIS along with the document metadata. Each document is displayed within the Attachments page for a student in the PowerSchool SIS. When downloaded from the PowerSchool SIS, the file is retrieved on-demand from PowerSchool Enrollment via API. The file name, document title, categories, and notes can be sent along with the document as metadata. The file size is not sent because the file is not actually uploaded to the PowerSchool SIS's document server and does not count toward the document server's storage capacity. Each document is displayed in the PowerSchool SIS as being uploaded by the name of the PowerSchool Enrollment plugin associated with the OAuth credentials used for the integration. In the data delivery process, documents are automatically matched by the ID of the document within PowerSchool Enrollment to ensure that no document is duplicated on the student in the PowerSchool SIS. When matched to a document in the PowerSchool SIS, the metadata for the document is not yet able to be updated. Requires configuration by PowerSchool Enrollment Support, PowerSchool SIS v20.4.5.0+, and use of doc attach feature in the PowerSchool SIS. |
PASI Document Integration | Documents uploaded by parents or administrative users to File Upload and Hidden File Upload fields can be sent to PASI (Provincial Approach to Student Information, Alberta) through the PowerSchool SIS as an intermediary. Leveraging the PowerSchool SIS Document Integration, PowerSchool Enrollment is able to send additional, PASI-specific metadata to the PowerSchool SIS for each document. This metadata includes: title, type, date, expiration date, language, relevant, digitized, organization, and school year. Each document along with its PASI-specific metadata is then provided to PASI. Requires configuration by PowerSchool Enrollment Support and use of PowerSchool Document Integration. PowerSchool is currently working to implement this functionality for PASI Direct Connect Integration and plans to release an update as soon as possible. Look for an additional notification when that release has been made available. |
Batch Move Students from List to List in School Choice Workspace | Administrative users in the School Choice Workspace can move students from list to list in batches, reducing overall time to move multiple students from one list to another. The supported moves include: waitlist to seated list, waitlist to removed list, seated list to waitlist, seated list to removed list, removed list to waitlist, and removed list to different waitlist. Administrative users can select any number of students on a given list, select the appropriate option in the new action bar beneath the list's header, enter a common audit log note, and move all the selected students at once. The move of each individual student has its own audit log entry with the common audit log note. The Extended Waitlist Moves window is no longer used to move students from the waitlist to the seated list that are below the cutoff point based on available seats. This action is now handled using the batch moves functionality, with either one or multiple students. |
Feature | Description |
Admin - Academic Year in Family Support Tools | While viewing a parent account within the Family Accounts area, the academic year associated with each form is now display for each in-progress and submitted form. |
Admin - Admin Portal Styling | The following items have been updated in the Admin Portal to reflect the updated styles of other PowerSchool products: button height is reduced, input height is reduced, multi-select inputs are styled differently, icon colors and borders and styled differently. |
Admin - Improved Protective Checks for the eSchoolPlus SIS | The Protective Check functionality in the eSchoolPlus SIS data delivery process now allows student matching as normal but prevents delivery of the student unless the student is not matched or if the matched record in the eSchoolPlus SIS is an exact match on all of the following: first name, last name, and date of birth. |
Admin - Lottery Result Assignments in Choice/Preference Order | While viewing the Students page within the School Choice Workspace, the order of lottery result assignments displayed within the Seat Assignment(s), Waitlist Assignment(s), and Removed List Assignment(s) columns are now always in choice/preference order, regardless of the order in which the assignments are made. While exporting from the Students page within the School Choice Workspace, the order of the lottery result assignments displayed within the multiple Seatlist, Waitlist, and Removed columns are now always in choice/preference order, regardless of the order in which the assignments are made. |
Admin - Uploading File Larger than 30MB | Administrative users are prevented from uploading files larger than 30MB into document upload and image upload fields within workspace records. If this file size limitation is exceeded, a validation message appears. |
Parent - Button Styling | The primary buttons in the Family Portal (e.g., Next, Submit, etc.) are now blue, and the secondary buttons (e.g., Previous, Upload, etc.) are now white with dark grey text. The button heights are also reduced. |
Parent - Family Member/Student References | Within the account pages of a parent account, the references to "Family Members" have been replaced with references to "Students" so that the purpose of the data is clearer. |
Parent - Form Title Styling | Within multi-page forms, the form title (including the form name, academic year, student name) are now in a larger font size, making it easier for the parent to understand their context at a glance. |
Parent - Password Requirement Tooltip | While creating a new password in the Family Portal, a tooltip is now displayed informing parents of the password requirements up front, so that they don't need to fail at meeting the requirements before they're informed of them. This tooltip is present when: creating a new account, editing the password within an account, after entering the temporary password as part of the forgot password workflow, after answering security questions as part of the forgot password workflow. |
Parent - Validator Styling | Validator elements within forms are now styled such that it's more obvious to parents that the presence of the validation message will prevent form submission. Validators are used to evaluate complex data scenarios (e.g., for a particular grade the student's date of birth must be before a particular date). |
Resolved Issues
Feature | Description |
Admin - Address Data Sent to the eSchoolPlus SIS when Configured to not be Sent | When address data is present but configured to not be sent to the eSchoolPlus SIS, the address data is sent to the eSchoolPlus SIS anyway. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Assigning Permissions for Items with the Same Name | When assigning permissions within a permission profile, if there are items (e.g., Tasks, Tags, Views, Filters, etc.) with the same name, only the first item on the page with that name is able to be assigned/removed. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Change Waitlist Option in School Choice Workspace Opens Blank New Tab | After selecting the Change Waitlist icon on the seating unit detail page in the School Choice Workspace, the Change Waitlist modal is opened, but the user is brought to blank, new tab in their browser. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Delivering Student Data to the eSchoolPlus SIS with Trailing Spaces | When delivering student data to the eSchoolPlus SIS, if the student has a trailing space at the beginning or end of the first or last name, the potential matches for the student are not displayed in the match window. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Delivering Student Data to the PowerSchool SIS without Required Ethnicity Fields | When the ethnicity_race/scheduling_reporting_ethnicity or ethnicity_race/federal_ethnicity fields are required in the PowerSchool SIS and are already present on the student in the PowerSchool SIS, when delivering student data to the student in the PowerSchool SIS without these values, the PowerSchool API returns an error preventing delivery. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Error When Viewing Scheduled Job History | When a user attempts to access a Scheduled Job History page, if there are more than 2,000 scheduled job history records that need to be updated, the user receives an error message and is unable to access the page. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Exporting Admin Accounts with Wrong Identifier | When exporting admin accounts, if admin SSO is being used with either the PowerSchool SIS or the eSchoolPlus SIS or if third party identity provider SSO is being used with either Google or Microsoft, the Identifier column in the exported file contains the wrong user account global identifier for each account. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Hexadecimal Value in the PowerSchool SIS Prevents Data Pre-Population and Delivery for Student | When a student record within the PowerSchool SIS contains a hexadecimal value, PowerSchool Enrollment is unable to pre-populate data from the student or create a delivery batch including the student. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Lottery Result Assignments Removed from all Lists | While moving a choice in the School Choices Workspace to the seated list or while accepting an offered seat, the student's other choices are sometimes removed from all lists, preventing the user from recovering them. This issue is now resolved. The student's other choices are now moved to the Removed List. Note: whether a student's other choices are moved to the Removed List or remain on their current list is dependent on School Choice configuration. |
Admin - Medical Alert Comments in the eSchoolPlus SIS are Cleared when Delivering an Empty Value | When delivering student data to the eSchoolPlus SIS, if sending an empty value in the Medical Alert Comments field and if the student in the eSchoolPlus SIS already has a value present in Medical Alert Comments, the value is being cleared in the eSchoolPlus SIS. This result should only occur when sending a caret. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Raw HTML in Record Detail Edit All Mode Labels | Rich-text formatting on field labels within workspace record detail pages is rendered as raw HTML when using the Edit All option. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Records Within Submission Workspace Missing Data | Occasionally, records within the Submission Workspace are missing pre-populated data from the Roster Workspace. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - School Choice Workspace Main Page Performance | Loading the main page within the School Choice Workspace is slow and can sometimes result in a timeout. This issue is now revolved. An index has been added to the database to improve the performance of the appropriate query. |
Admin - schoolrecs Batch Invitation Emails Not Sending | When schoolrecs batch invitation emails are supposed to be sent in place of individual invitation emails, no invitation emails are sent. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Skip Delivery if Files Already Exist not Functioning for Scheduled Jobs | Scheduled jobs configured to be skipped if a file already exists within the mapped SFTP folder encounter an error and do not run successfully. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Unable to Assign Tags in Recommendation Workspace | When attempting to assign a tag to a record within the Recommendation Workspace, the task appears to complete, but the tag is not assigned to the record. This issue is now resolved. |
Admin - Unable to Reenroll Inactive Students in eSchoolPlus v19.4.17.0+ | Inactive students in the eSchoolPlus SIS are unable to be reenrolled when using eSchoolPlus v19.4.17.0+ but less than v19.11.0.0. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - Address Suggestions do not Populate Zip Code or County when State Field does not have Initial "Select" Value | When the State field within an address does not have an initial - Select - value, the Address Suggestions feature does not populate the Zip Code or County fields upon the parent selecting a suggested address. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - Duplicate Payments in Vanco | Infrequently, a duplicate payment is sent to and processed by Vanco. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - Error Accessing Enrollment through SSO with Long Student or Parent Name | When a parent attempts to access Enrollment through SSO from either the PowerSchool SIS or the eSchoolPlus SIS, if the student or parent first or last name in the SIS exceeds 25 characters, a server error occurs and the parent is unable to proceed. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - Error Accessing Students Page in Account | When a parent attempts to access the Students page within their account, if one of the students in the account is missing a date of birth, an error is shown in place of the list of students. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - File Upload Modal Does Not Appear when # is Present in Document Title | When a parent attempts to upload a document into a File Upload field, if the field's Document Title contains a # symbol, the file upload modal does not appear. This issue is now resolved. |
Parent - Lottery Result Assignments Showing as Not Considered | After accepting an offered seat, the student's other choices are sometimes displayed as Not Considered. This issue is now resolved. The student's other choices are now being displayed as either Declined Seat or Removed from Waitlist, depending on what list the other choice originated. Note: whether a student's other choices are removed from or remain on their current list is dependent on School Choice configuration. |