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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 6/19/2020.



Filter Records by Enroll Status

When pre-populating data into a Roster Workspace, your PowerSchool Enrollment Specialist can now specify which enroll statuses to use to filter records pulled from the PowerSchool SIS via the API.

Resolved Issues


Admin - Additional Content Cleared

Content entered on the Additional Content tab is sometimes cleared once you navigate to another tab. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Course Fee Lookup Code Validation

Validation is not applied to invalid course fee Lookup Codes when manually editing roster records. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Delivering Data to Extensions in the PowerSchool SIS

An error occurs and delivery is unsuccessful when attempting to deliver data to extensions in the PowerSchool SIS where the extension name combined with the field name is longer than 50 characters. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Exporting Admin Accounts

A timeout error occurs when attempting to export a large volume of admin accounts that are linked to IdP global identifiers. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Matching Contact Records for eSchoolPlus SIS

When matching contact records with the eSchoolPlus SIS, records with contact types of M sometimes are identified as potential matches when they should not be. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Publishing Forms

In certain cases a "No row with the given identifier exists" error occurs when publishing a form. Now, if this occurs, reattempting to publish the form will resolve the error and publish the form successfully.

Admin - Receiving Submission Notification Emails

In certain cases submission notification emails are not sent by the system. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Translations for Page Names

When working with a multi-page form in the form builder that has at least one non-English language enabled, translations for page names clear after page ten. This issue is now resolved.

Admin - Viewing Scheduled Job History

Results are not always accurate when searching or sorting within the Scheduled Job History page. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Creating Duplicate Students

Parents are able to create duplicate students within their account with the same first name, last name, and date of birth. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Submitting Payment through Vanco

If there are multiple conditions within the same fee that have the same description and accounting code but different amounts, the incorrect invoice item is sometimes sent to Vanco as part of the transaction, which results in the the invoice amount total not equaling the transaction amount total, preventing the transaction being being successful and preventing the form from being submitted. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Family Snapping Data between Forms with Pre-Populated Contact Data

In some cases when a parent snaps data from a form submission to a new form using the Person Management feature that contains pre-populated contact data, the contact data from the prior form submission is successfully snapped into the new form along with the contact IDs, but the conditionally read-only fields are not made read-only, allowing the parent to change key identifying information about the contact that is still associated to the other contact's hidden ID. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Not Charging Course Fees

Some students are not charged course fees that were pre-populated based on Lookup Codes in their Roster Records. This is due to minor inaccuracies in the pre-populated Lookup Codes. This issue is now resolved. Improved roster data import validation is now in place to prevent the pre-population of invalid Lookup Codes.

Parent - Redirect Error Accessing Form

A redirect error occurs when accessing a form where a page, section, or group have the same name within a form's definition, and if more than one of those elements contains Show If logic. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Spaces in Optional Text Fields with Format Validation

If just a space or multiple spaces are entered into an optional text field that contains format validation, a validation message does not appear indicating a correction in format needs to be made, though the form cannot be submitted. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Submitting Online Payment

If using Safari 12, when attempting to submit payment through an NMI payment gateway, the payment transaction is successful; however, an error occurs and the form is not submitted. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Uploading Document Larger Than 4MB

When attempting to upload a document larger than 4MB, an error occurs and the document is not successfully uploaded. This issue is now resolved. Files of up to 30MB can be uploaded. If this file size limitation is exceeded, a validation message appears.

Parent - Uploading Documents

In some cases, after selecting a file and clicking Upload within the document upload modal, the modal closes but the file name does not appear within the file upload input on the form page, leaving the impression that the document was not uploaded although it was. This issue is now resolved.

Parent - Uploading Documents in Chrome

When using certain subversions of Chrome v83, after selecting a file and clicking Upload within the document upload modal, the modal does not close, leaving the impression that the document was not uploaded although it was. This issue is now resolved.

System - Scheduled Jobs Not Running

Not all scheduled jobs run at their scheduled recurrence. This issue is now resolved.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.