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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 12/18/2020.

New Features

School Choice Unranked Choices

A new Unranked Choices option is available in the PowerSchool Enrollment School Choice feature set.

Parents can now apply to multiple schools on a school choice/lottery application where those choices are not ranked in relation to each other.

Administrators can now process records through the lottery such that the multiple choices per student are not ranked in relation to each other and the result of one choice does not impact the result of other choices for each student. Students' choices can be on multiple Seated Lists and/or Waitlists.

After the lottery has been processed, moving results from list to list (e.g., moving a student's choice from the Waitlist to the Seated List) or updating the status of a result (e.g., declining a seat) has no impact on the other choices for each student, with the exception of accepting a seat. By default, when an offered seat is accepted, all other choices for that student are moved to the Removed List. However, if the Maintain Placement on Waitlists sub-option is enabled, when an offered seat is accepted, all other choices for that student on a Waitlist are maintained but all other choices for that student on a Seated List are moved to the Removed List.

When displaying the lottery results to parents, each choice no longer has a header/label reading 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. When parents accept offered seats, the confirmation prompt informs the parent what impact this action has on their other results.

Requires configuration by PowerSchool Enrollment Support. Requires the use of the priority-based lottery algorithm.


Admin - Reenroll Inactive and Transferred-Out Students in PowerSchool SISThe ability to match to and reenroll Inactive and Transferred-Out students in the PowerSchool SIS now requires PowerSchool SIS v20.4.5.2+.
Parent - Alternate Snapcode Problem Content when Accessing Form Through SSOWhen accessing a private form through SSO from either the PowerSchool SIS or the eSchoolPlus SIS, if the student's form has already been started or submitted through a different parent's account, there is now an alternate message shown to the parent that doesn't refer to snapcodes.

Resolved Issues

Admin - "Invalid Data Submitted for Required Element for DistrictID" Error when Delivering Documents to PowerSchool SISFor hosted PowerSchool SIS districts, when a user attempts to deliver student data to the SIS along with documents, an "Invalid Data Submitted for Required Element for DistrictID" error is shown and the record is not successfully delivered. This issue is now resolved. The resolution requires a PowerSchool Enrollment Support Specialist to configure the document district ID for the hosted tenant.
Admin - Admin Notification Email Expression ClearedIf an admin account has an admin notification email expression defined in relation to a form when a school/district administrator assigns a permission profile to that admin account for that form, the admin notification email expression is cleared upon save, resulting in the admin account receiving the admin notification for every student instead of the appropriate subset of students. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Discrepancy Between "Recover Discarded Records" Permission in Submission and Roster WorkspacesWhen an admin's permission profile has the Recover Discarded Records permission enabled and the Discard Records permission not enabled for the Submission Workspace, they can access the Discarded view. However, when this same permission configuration is set for the Roster Workspace, they are unable to access the Discarded view. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Fields Sent to eSchoolPlus SIS Contacts when Not Configured to be DeliveredWhen an eSchoolPlus SIS delivery target contains a contact field not marked for inclusion in the data being delivered to the SIS, that information is still getting included in the payload. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Raw HTML in Checklist ItemsRich-text formatting in the label of a Checklist item in the Checklist Roster is rendered as raw HTML. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Raw HTML in Record Detail NotesRich-text formatting in the Notes of a Roster or Submission record is rendered as raw HTML. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Scheduled Data Delivery Job to Aeries FailingWhen a scheduled job is set to deliver data to the Aeries SIS, the job is failing and resulting in an error. This issue is now resolved.
Admin - Scheduled File Delivery Job Failing OccasionallyOccasionally, when a scheduled file delivery job is executed, the job fails and results in an error, or the job is successful and still results in an error. This issue is now resolved. A retry mechanism has been implemented to successfully process the job after the error.
Admin - Student Middle Name in eSchoolPlus SIS Unable to be UpdatedWhen a user attempts to deliver a value to the middle name field for an existing student within the eSchoolPlus SIS, the value is not updating. This issue is now resolved. 
Admin - Submission Workspace Matching Doesn't Automatically Apply TagsIf Submission Workspace Matching is configured to automatically apply tags when the submission record is successfully matched or not matched, the tags are not automatically applied to the record. This issue is now resolved.
Parent - Capitalized HTML Tags Causing Error When Navigating Between PagesWhen a parent enters a capitalized HTML tag or if one is pre-populated into a text or multiline text field on a form, when the parent attempts to navigate away from that form page they receive an "Unexpected Error Has Occurred" message. This issue is now resolved. Capitalized HTML is now appropriately sanitized from form inputs.
Parent - Multiple In-Progress Forms Per SnapcodeInfrequently, a parent is able to start a private form that is already in progress, resulting in multiple in-progress form records. This issue is now resolved.
Parent - Parent Information Appearing in Student FieldsParents' information (e.g., their name) is inserted into the student-related form fields when interacting with the browser's autofill option, causing some form submissions to inadvertently contain a parent's information in place of the student's. This issue is now resolved. Browser autofill is disabled for all supported browsers, with the exception of Safari which doesn't support the requisite HTML.
Parent - Snapcode Entry Page Displays Special Characters as HTMLWhen a form name contains a special character, the special character is rendered as HTML on the Snapcode entry page. This issue is now resolved.
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